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Constructive conversations on resilient urban futures
Heinonen, Sirkka; Karjalainen, Joni; Taylor, Amos; Rashidfarokhi, Anahita; Toivonen, Saija; Tähtinen, Lassi
FFRC eBooks : 1/2023 (Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 16.02.2023)This publication is a co-created compilation of various conversations concerning our possibilities and pathways towards resilient urban futures. A series of interviews conducted so far within the Real Estate and Sustainable ... -
Deconstructing Paradoxes of Work through CLA. Millennium Project Special Session at FFRC Conference ‘Futures of Natural Resources’, 13 June 2024, Turku, Finland.
Heinonen, Sirkka; Ebrahimabadi, Samaneh; Viitamäki, Riku; Taylor, Amos; Pättikangas, Paula; Knudsen, Mikkel; Tähtinen, Lassi
FFRC eBooks : 4/2024 (Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 20.09.2024)This report documents the process and results of the Millennium Project Special Session that was organised within the Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) Conference in Turku, Finland on 13th June, 2024. The MP Session ... -
Flourishing Urban Futures to Overcome Polycrises – Roadmap for Resilience 2050
Heinonen, Sirkka; Maree, Burgert; Karjalainen, Joni; Sivonen, Risto; Taylor, Amos; Viitamäki, Riku; Pättikangas, Paula
FFRC eBooks : 4/2023 (Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 23.11.2023)This report “Flourishing Urban Futures to Overcome Polycrises – Roadmap for Resilience 2050” is published as the result of two Millennium Project Special Sessions, held at the annual FFRC Futures Conference in Turku, ... -
Highlighting Media & Journalism Futures 2030 : Survey on Weak Signals and Emerging Issues
Taylor, Amos; Heinonen, Sirkka; Ruotsalainen, Juho; Parkkinen, Marjukka
FFRC eBOOK : 3/2015 (Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 21.05.2019)In 2030 Media is undergoing a state of change becoming more customized toward individual, massive data driven and more intertwined within society. An emerging cross-cutting platform of diverse actors, with global access ... -
Precursors to a 'Good’ Bioeconomy in 2125 : Making Sense of Bioeconomy & Justice Horizons. First Foresight Report of the BioEcoJust Project
Taylor, Amos; Balcom, Raleigh; Nicolas, A; Kurki, Sofi; Birmoser Ferreira-Aulu, Marianna; Wilenius, Markku
FFRC eBooks : 2/2019 (Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 23.08.2019)The Bioeconomy today is a field full of promise, brimming with potentially transformative solutions, and developments still only in their infancy. The aim of this report has been to convey the findings of the BioEcoJust ... -
SURPRISING ENERGY FUTURES : Neo-Carbon Energy Futures Clinique V
Heinonen, Sirkka; Karjalainen, Joni; Parkkinen, Marjukka; Ruotsalainen, Juho; Zavialova, Sofia; Kurki, Sofi; Laurén, Leena-Maija; Salminen, Hazel; Taylor, Amos
FFRC eBOOK : 4/2017 (Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 21.05.2019)This report describes the process and results of futures clinique Surprising Energy Futures: Anticipating Discontinuities and Testing Resilience of Renewable Energy World with Black Swans, held on 17 May 2017 at Sitra, ... -
Heinonen, Sirkka; Sivonen, Risto; Karjalainen, Joni; Taylor, Amos; Toivonen, Saija; Tähtinen, Lassi
FFRC eBooks : 1/2024 (Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 12.01.2024)The world is full of volatility, complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity (VUCA), nurturing rapid change and disruption with much potential for crises. Alone in this century, societies have been shaken by multiple crises. ... -
Tiedolla tulevaisuuteen: Selvitys tutkimuksen, korkeakoulutuksen ja yhteiskunnallisen vuorovaikutuksen tulevaisuuden ilmiöistä ja muutostekijöistä.
Ahvenharju, Sanna; Villman, Tero; Saarimaa, Riikka; Taylor, Amos; Suomalainen, Kaisa-Maria; Granlund, Maria; Sivonen, Risto; Witoon, Siyada; Nguyen, Hoa
Tutu eJulkaisuja : 5/2021 (Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 26.11.2021)Tähän selvitykseen on koottu ajatuksia siitä, miltä tieteen tekemisen tulevaisuus voisi näyttää lähivuosina ja vuosikymmeninä. Se pyrkii tuomaan näkyväksi joitain mahdollisia muutoksia ja tapahtumakulkuja sekä erityisesti ...