Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa Pro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt sekä syventävien opintojen opinnäytetyöt (kokotekstit)

Aineistot 826-845 / 5450

      Coxin suhteellisten hasardien malli, eturauhassyöpä, kilpailevien riskien malli, kumulatiivinen hasardi, kumulatiivinen insidenssi, propensiteettipistepainotus [1]
      creating shared value, corporate sustainability, societal value creation [1]
      Cremation cemetery under level ground, Epineolithic, fabric, inclusions, Iron Age, keramiikka, optical microscopy, polttokenttäkalmisto, pottery, rautakausi, sekoite, temper [1]
      critical discourse analysis, feminist critical discourse analysis, social theory of discourse, abortion, women’s rights, abortion discourse, newspaper articles [1]
      Critical discourse analysis, Ideology, Florida, LGBT+, Don’t Say Gay, Parental rights in Education, News on the Web Corpus [1]
      critical discourse analysis, presidential power, legitimacy, presidential impeachment, the Constitution, United States [1]
      critical discourse analysis, visual representation, female representation, content analysis, social actor theory, Brandy Melville, Instagram [1]
      critical discourse studies, critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, racism, racist language, racial formation, systemic functional grammar, systemic functional linguistics, media discourse, fox news, cnn, representation, media representation [1]
      cross-cultural management, cultural differences, business goals, values, corporate social responsibility, responsible leadership, Finland [1]
      cryptography, isogeny-based cryptography, elliptic curves, ECDH, ECDSA, quantum computing, Shor's algorithm, key exchange SIDH, CSIDH [1]
      Cryptography, NFC, Android, Security, Messaging [1]
      crystalline bedrock,multiscale,fractures,fracture networks,lineaments,lineament networks,structural geology,topology [1]
      CSR, pride, LGBT, autenttisuus [1]
      culture teaching, English as a foreign language [1]
      curriculum development, design thinking, teacher education curriculum [1]
      Currículo Nacional Finlandés del Bachillerato, estudio de opinión, escala de Likert, escala de Osgood, análisis de contenido cualitativo, profesores y estudiantes de español [1]
      customer engagement, product development, games industry, motives, challenges, solutions [1]
      Customer equity, customer equity drivers, distributors, end-users, high technology [1]
      Customer loyalty, e-commerce, mid-market fashion [1]
      Customer value, Customer value determination, Masstige luxury brands, luxury value perception [1]