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A Journey towards and past doctoral studies abroad: Identity-trajectories of Finnish doctoral students in Britain
Turun yliopiston julkaisua - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. B: Humaniora : 575 (Turun yliopisto, 03.06.2022)This doctoral dissertation examines the educational and mobility paths of Finnish doctoral students in Britain as part of the wholeness of their life course. The aim of this study is to understand what kinds of meanings ... -
Adult education policy in the European Union during the Lisbon decade : the shift to vocational adult learning and work skills matching
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B, Humaniora : 370 (Turun yliopisto, 25.10.2013)This doctoral dissertation investigates the adult education policy of the European Union (EU) in the framework of the Lisbon agenda 2000–2010, with a particular focus on the changes of policy orientation that occurred ... -
Affect in collaborative and virtual inquiry learning: Insights into small student groups and teachers in the classroom
Turun yliopiston julkaisua -Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. B: Humaniora : 540 (Turun yliopisto, 22.06.2021)Research on affect in collaborative learning has previously focused on individual perceptions of affect or collective emotional atmosphere with respect to the learning situation or the environment. This dissertation aims ... -
Agency as polyphony: Student and primary teachers' narration embedded in theory and practice
Turun yliopiston julkaisua - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. B: Humaniora : 579 (Turun yliopisto, 20.05.2022)This dissertation examines student and primary teachers' agency in integrating theory and practice. To educate future citizens who act in a complex world of global challenges, primary teachers must learn to integrate ... -
Akateemiset urapolut. Humanistisen, yhteiskuntatieteellisen ja kasvatustieteellisen alan generalistien urapolkujen alkuvaiheet 1980- ja 1990-luvuilla
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja C, Scripta lingua Fennica edita : 277 (Turun yliopisto, 30.01.2009)<b>Academic Career Paths. The early career phases of generalists in the fields of humanities, social science and education in the 1980’s and 1990’s</b> This doctoral thesis analyses how generalist graduates of master’s ... -
Ammatillinen varhaiskasvatus ja näyttötutkintojärjestelmä. Tutkintotilaisuuksien kautta varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaiseksi
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja C, Scripta lingua Fennica edita : 273 (Turun yliopisto, 21.11.2008)Ammatillisen koulutusjärjestelmän kehitystä on viime vuodet ohjannut osaamisen työelämälähtöisyyden johdonmukainen vahventaminen. Avainkäsitteiksi ovat nousseet autenttinen ammattitaito ja – arviointi. Uudistukset ovat ... -
Assessment of Young Learners’ English Proficiency in Bilingual Content Instruction CLIL
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B, Humaniora : 385 (Turun yliopisto, 06.06.2014)This applied linguistic study in the field of second language acquisition investigated the assessment practices of class teachers as well as the challenges and visions of language assessment in bilingual content instruction ... -
Avointa väylää maisteriksi - tutkimus avoimessa yliopistossa opiskelleista ja väylän kautta korkeakouluun tulleista opiskelijoista
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja C, Scripta lingua Fennica edita : 300 (Turun yliopisto, 23.04.2010)Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan avoimeen yliopisto-opetukseen osallistuneiden sekä avoimen yliopiston väylän kautta korkeakouluun tulleiden opiskelijoiden opinnoilleen antamia merkityksiä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on yhtäältä ... -
Bridging academic and working life expertise in continuing professional education : A social network perspective
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B, Humaniora : 424 (Turun yliopisto, 11.11.2016)This dissertation examined efforts to bridge academic and working life expertise in continuing professional education in response to the new requirements of changing world and working life contexts. Its specific aims were ... -
Bridging Mathematics with Word Problems
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B, Humaniora : 435 (Turun yliopisto, 11.05.2017)The aim of this thesis was to explore several important aspects of word problems: the nature of word problems used in school mathematics textbooks and the difficulty level of different types of word ... -
Changed and unchanged : the transformation of educational policies on assessment and evaluation in China
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B: Humaniora : 492 (Turun yliopisto, 30.11.2019)Chinese basic education has undergone profound changes since China introduced the market-oriented economy in the 1980s. All the social changes in the past four decades can be traced to the very first reform and opening-up ... -
Constructing life courses in times of uncertainty: individualisation and social structures in the context of Finnish education
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B: Humaniora : 501 (Turun yliopisto, 11.01.2020)This dissertation examines how the processes of social change and social reproduction are reflected in education and, hence, in the prerequisites of young people’s life course construction. Extensive structural, cultural, ... -
Dancing language education: An embodied approach in early language teaching and learning
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser B: Humaniora : 698 (Turun yliopisto, 05.12.2024)This doctoral dissertation explores how the integration of language and dance can be practiced and conceptualised as an embodied approach in early additional language education, addressing the urgent need for new pedagogical ... -
Designing scaffolding for personal learning environments: Continuous learning perspective in vocational teacher education context.
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B, Humaniora : 516 (Turun yliopisto, 21.08.2020)The present dissertation examined how to scaffold students when they study in their Personal Learning Environments (PLEs). PLEs give students the freedom to choose their learning environments by themselves and the ability ... -
Development of children’s motivational orientations from ages 4 to 9 : stability and changes of motivational profiles before school-age as a function of early language skills
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B: Humaniora : 466This dissertation aims to contribute to our understanding of the developmental patterns of motivational orientations in young children and how these patterns are associated with language skills. Motivation research has ... -
Digital stories as a tool for learning at work
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B, Humaniora : 594 (Turun yliopisto, 11.11.2022)This dissertation examines the use of digital storytelling in learning in different types of work environments. The research focuses on representations of identity, agency and positioning in visual narratives. The digital ... -
Early childhood educators’ professional learning through shared practices
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B: Humaniora : 455 (Turun yliopisto, 23.05.2018)Varhaiskasvattajien ammatillinen oppiminen jaettuna toimintana ja käytäntönä. Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin varhaiskasvattajien ammatillista oppimista jaettuna toimintana ja käytäntönä. Tässä tutkimuksessa ammatillinen ... -
Educating innovative professionals : a case study on researching students' innovation competences in one Finnish University of Applied Sciences
Research Reports from Turku University of Applied Sciences : 49 (Turku University of Applied Sciences, 31.08.2019)This dissertation study focuses on students’ innovation competences in higher education. The aim of the research is to present assessment tools to measure students’ innovation competences, test and evaluate them in practice, ... -
Educational policy borrowing : adoption and adaptation of Bologna process ideas in the Cameroonian higher education system
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B: Humaniora : 450 (Turun yliopisto, 17.03.2018)Although initially a European reform, the Bologna Process has had a spillover effect in other parts of the world. This study sought to contribute to the research and international debate on the transformations exerted by ... -
The effects of ICT on school: teachers’ and students’ perspectives
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B, Humaniora : 314 (Turun yliopisto, 17.10.2008)The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of information and communication technology (ICT) on school from teachers’ and students’ perspectives. The focus was on three main subject matters: on ICT use and ...