Aineistot 1-10 / 13
"For a witch cannot cross such a threshold!” – Building concealment traditions in Finland c. 1200–1950
(Suomen keskiajan arkeologian seura, 2016-11-12)
The study discusses objects deliberately concealed in buildings in Finland during its historical period (c. 1200–1950 CE). The phenomenon is connected with folk religion and especially with a need to protect the household ...
Early brick use and brick building in mainland Finland : contribution of Koroinen, Early Phases of Turku project and Holy Cross Church of Hattula
(Turun yliopisto, 2020-06-26)
This dissertation focuses on the earliest traces of brick use on the mainland of medieval Finland, when and where the brick use and brick building started, the form in which it firstappeared, and how it seems to have ...
Marks of Fire, Value and Faith. Swords with Ferrous Inlays in Finland during the Late Iron Age (ca. 700–1200 AD)
(Suomen keskiajan arkeologian seura, 2016-02-06)
This study explores swords with ferrous inlays found in Finland and dating from the late Iron Age, ca. 700–1200 AD. These swords reflect profound changes not only in styles and fashion but also in the technology of hilts ...
Rakennukset ja rakentajat Raision Ihalassa rautakauden lopulla ja varhaisella keskiajalla
(Turun yliopistoAnnales Universitatis Turkuensis C 281, 2009-06-06)
Turun yliopiston arkeologian oppiaine tutki Raision Ihalan historiallisella kylätontilla, ns. Mullin eduspellolla, asuinpaikan, josta löydettiin maamme oloissa harvinaisen hyvin säilyneitä rakennusten puuosien jäännöksiä. ...
New aspects of the genesis of the medieval town walls in the Northern Baltic Sea region
(Turun yliopisto, 2017-04-29)
The purpose of this reasearch is to analyse the origins of the town walls of Old Livonia, specifically the medieval town walls in the present-day territory of Estonia. The main research questions are 1) which changes on ...
Kymittӕ. Sites, Centrality and Long-Term Settlement Change in the Kemiönsaari Region in SW Finland
(Turun yliopisto, 2008-09-20)
Animals in an Urban Context. A Zooarchaeological study of the Medieval and Post-Medieval town of Turku
(Turun yliopisto, 2008-04-26)
The aim of this study is to explore the role and importance of different animal species in Turku through an analysis of osteological data and documentary evidence. The osteological material used in this study is derived ...
Muotia, mukavuutta ja mielipiteitä. Kaakeliuuni yhteiskunnallisten muutosten ilmentäjänä keskiajan ja uuden ajan alun Suomessa
(Suomen keskiajan arkeologian seura, 2010-08-28)
Fashion, Comf ort and Conviction is a study investigating the adoption and significance of the ceramic tile stove in medieval and early modern Finland. It presents stove tiles found in archaeological excavations, places ...
Variations in Inhumation Burial Customs in Southern Finland (AD 900–1400) : Case studies from Häme and Upper Satakunta
(Turun yliopisto, 2021-11-19)
This dissertation focuses on Early Medieval and Medieval (c. AD 900–1400) inhumation burial customs in Upper Satakunta and Häme regions in Finland. The aim is to clarify the find contexts of Early Medieval ...