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A case study of the English language teachers’ attitudes toward use of information and communication technology (ICT) in Finland
(Turun yliopisto, 10.08.2016)This qualitative study was aimed at investigating foreign language teachers’ attitudes toward use of information and communication technology (ICT) in their instruction. The insight was gained through the reported experience ... -
A Comparative Study of the Environmental and Cultural Impacts on Self-Determination Theory within Cameroon, Finland, and Spain
(Turun yliopisto, 09.08.2017)The purpose of this study was to test Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in different cultures, and to understand how the constructs of SDT vary between collectivist and individualist cultures. SDT claims that universally we ... -
A Comparative Study on the Homeroom Teachers’ Perception of the School guidance in Korea and Finland
(Turun yliopisto, 25.01.2017)This study has four major purposes. First, it compares school guidance of homeroom teachers in Korea and Finland, in order to understand the reality of education, based on the teachers’ perceptions. Secondly, it also ... -
A comparison of students' game experiences throughout the development of the Number Navigation Game
(Turun yliopisto, 11.10.2017)This study aims at analyzing students’ game experiences playing four consecutive versions of the Number Navigation Game (NNG) throughout the course of three years 2014-2016 to understand more about students’ serious gaming ... -
A developing economy as a part of global value chain : The apparel industry and poverty reduction in Nicaragua
(Turun yliopisto, 04.06.2018)Apparel industry is one of the biggest consumer industries in the world and it has a significant footprint on environment, employment and economy. The industry continues to grow and the clothes are produced and consumed ... -
A Diachronic Study of the Practises of Translation of Gerunds and Gerundives from Latin into Old English and Middle English in History Narratives
(21.03.2016)This is a philologically oriented thesis which studies the possible adoption of a grammatical feature from one language into another from historical linguistic perspective. The foci of the study are, on the one hand, the ... -
A dichotomy dismantled : reflections on national identity among supporters of third force political parties in Taiwan
(Turun yliopisto, 07.02.2018)This thesis explores Taiwanese national identity among supporters of so-called “Third Force” political parties that have emerged as an alternative to Taiwan’s two “old” parties, the KMT and the DPP. The Third Force parties ... -
A Drop of Success – Internationalization Readiness of a Young Finnish Company
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 24.05.2016)This study analyzes a young Finnish micro-sized firm that is attempting to reach internationalization readiness in the pre-internationalization stage. The purpose of this research is to analyze and better understand how a ... -
A Finnish Anti-bullying Framework and its Capability in a Developing Country
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 05.09.2016)Despite the vast research on school bullying by researchers in the developed world, little is known about countering the same in the developing world. Studies have consistently shown that school bullying is a worldwide ... -
A History to Open the Future: Obstacles and Possibilities of Joint History Books in Northeast Asia
(Turun yliopisto, 14.03.2017)A History to Open the Future is the first history book, published in 2005, to be jointly authored by scholars, teachers, and history activists from China, Japan, and South Korea, and created to be used as a teaching guide ... -
A longitudinal study on the lexical sophistication and sentence length in Finnish upper secondary school students’ English compositions.
(26.08.2016)The aim of the present study was to find out the level of lexical sophistication and the mean length of sentences used in compositions written by Finnish upper secondary school students of English. In addition, the present ... -
A Mobile High Sensitivity On-field Organophosphorous Compounds Detecting System for IoT Based Food Safety Tracking
(Turun yliopisto, 08.06.2016)Food safety has always been a social issue that draws great public attention. With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies and intelligent devices, more and more Internet of Things (IoT) systems are ... -
A Multimedia Video Player Based of FFmpeg
(Turun yliopisto, 08.06.2016)With the rapid development of Internet technologies, video and audio processing are among the most important parts due to the constant requirements of high quality media contents. Along with the improvement of network ... -
A performance analysis of conventional and fundamental exchange traded funds: ETFs and their risk-return characteristics in relation to building institutional investor’s passive portfolio
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 14.12.2015)An exchange traded fund (ETF) is a financial instrument that tracks some predetermined index. Since their initial establishment in 1993, ETFs have grown in importance in the field of passive investing. The main reason for ... -
A Power for Peace and Development – The White Papers of the Chinese Government from a Public Diplomacy Point of View
(Turun yliopisto, 20.02.2017)The purpose of this thesis is to study the White Papers published by the Chinese government from the perspective of public diplomacy. The White Papers are political documents in which the Chinese authorities state their ... -
A Real-Time System for Wireless Human Activity Sensing and Indoor Localization
(Turun yliopisto, 15.08.2017)Indoor localization and human activity sensing have been studied in many perspectives in recent years. Researchers are making efforts to achieve better indoor localization accuracy, adaption ability and less cost. Many ... -
A Research of Resource Scheduling Algorithm Based on Hadoop
(Turun yliopisto, 08.06.2016)With the development of electronic devices, more and more mobile clients are connected to the Internet and they generate massive data every day. We live in an age of “Big Data”, and every day we generate hundreds of million ... -
A Security Test Framework Design for QR Code Authentication
(Turun yliopisto, 15.08.2017)QR code authentication system is a type of web application authentication system which uses the QR code scanning as the login credentials. Nowadays, there are more and more companies claiming the QR code authentication ... -
A service perspective to digital innovation: exploring the emergence of autonomous shipping
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 26.02.2016)Current research describes digital innovation largely similar to product innovation. Digital innovation is seen as an object of coherent activities, however in reality digital innovation results from convergence of variant ...