Selaus laitoksen mukaan kokoelmassa Opinnäytetöiden tiivistelmät (ei kokotekstiä) Tulevaisuuden teknologioiden laitos

    • 3D-grafiikan selaintekniikat, erikoistapauksena karttasovellukset 

      Mäenpää, Harri (Turun yliopisto, 08.06.2016)
      Harava on karttapohjainen kyselypalvelu, jonka avulla voidaan kerätä tietoa erilaisista kyselykohteista. Harava-kyselypalvelussa kyselyihin voidaan vastata muun muassa tekstikentillä, monivalinnoilla ja merkitsemällä alueita ...
    • 3D-Sisäpaikannusjärjestelmän toteutus yhdellä ankkurisensorilla 

      Tuomanen, Jukka-Pekka (Turun yliopisto, 21.02.2018)
      Erilaisia tietoliikenneteknologiaan perustuvia paikannusmenetelmiä on ollut käytössä jo vuosikymmenten ajan. Ensimmäiset paikannusmenetelmät perustuivat GPS-järjestelmään. GPS-järjestelmä toimii luotettavasti ulkotiloissa, ...
    • 3D-tulostuksen hyödyntäminen konseptimallien ja tuoteprototyyppien valmistuksessa 

      Pyökäri, Miikka (Turun yliopisto, 19.12.2017)
      Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan 3D-tulostamisen hyödyntämistapoja konseptimallien ja silikonisten prototyyppien valmistuksessa. Prototyyppivalmistus on yksi 3D-tulostustekniikan ensimmäisistä sovelluskohteista ja siksi sitä on ...
    • 802.11-standardiperhe 

      Roinila, Joni (Turun yliopisto, 10.02.2016)
      Langattomien verkkojen kehitys juontaa juurensa 1980-luvulle, jolloin eri valmistajat julkaisivat omia valmistajakohtaisia tuotteitaan. Kuluttajalle tämä tarkoitti sitoutumista yhteen valmistajaan ja yhteensopivuusongelmia ...
    • A Mobile High Sensitivity On-field Organophosphorous Compounds Detecting System for IoT Based Food Safety Tracking 

      Liang, Hao (Turun yliopisto, 08.06.2016)
      Food safety has always been a social issue that draws great public attention. With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies and intelligent devices, more and more Internet of Things (IoT) systems are ...
    • A Multimedia Video Player Based of FFmpeg 

      Li, Dongdong (Turun yliopisto, 08.06.2016)
      With the rapid development of Internet technologies, video and audio processing are among the most important parts due to the constant requirements of high quality media contents. Along with the improvement of network ...
    • A Real-Time System for Wireless Human Activity Sensing and Indoor Localization 

      Li, Guanchao (Turun yliopisto, 15.08.2017)
      Indoor localization and human activity sensing have been studied in many perspectives in recent years. Researchers are making efforts to achieve better indoor localization accuracy, adaption ability and less cost. Many ...
    • A Research of Resource Scheduling Algorithm Based on Hadoop 

      Wei, Xiangang (Turun yliopisto, 08.06.2016)
      With the development of electronic devices, more and more mobile clients are connected to the Internet and they generate massive data every day. We live in an age of “Big Data”, and every day we generate hundreds of million ...
    • A Security Test Framework Design for QR Code Authentication 

      Wu, Shiqi (Turun yliopisto, 15.08.2017)
      QR code authentication system is a type of web application authentication system which uses the QR code scanning as the login credentials. Nowadays, there are more and more companies claiming the QR code authentication ...
    • A study of IoT platforms and ecosystems 

      Vuorenmaa, Jarno (Turun yliopisto, 19.12.2016)
      The Internet of Things promises novel applications, new markets, and improvements to business processes. This thesis discusses related challenges from technical and economic perspective. Despite the rapid development of ...
    • A Study of Multicast Performance in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks 

      Suni, Sami (Turun yliopisto, 23.02.2016)
      Langattomat lähiverkot ovat yleistyneet ja monin paikoin niillä pyritään täysin korvaamaan perinteiset kaapeloidut verkot. Samalla verkoissa välitettävät palvelut monipuolistuvat. Etenkin interaktiivisten sisältöjen ja ...
    • A Study of Privacy Preserving Queries with Bloom Filters 

      Ramezanian, Sara (Turun yliopisto, 14.01.2016)
      This thesis focuses on the private membership test (PMT) problem and presents three single server protocols to resolve this problem. In the presented solutions, a client can perform an inclusion test for some record x in ...
    • A Survey on Software Implementations of Binary Elliptic Curves on IoT Devices 

      Hosseini Khondabi, Seyed (Turun yliopisto, 14.12.2016)
      Internet-of-Things is a modern concept that provides marvelous opportunities for several innovative applications. A new environment is created by IoT devices because of having limited resources. Therefore, existing protocols ...
    • ADMET and adverse effects predictive modeling based on FDA-approved drugs Data 

      Legehar, Ashenafi (Turun yliopisto, 31.01.2017)
      Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion and Toxicity (ADMET) properties and adverse effects determine the success of each drug. These factors play an important role in the late-stage failure of drug candidates and ...
    • Adopting the Vaadin Java framework to rebuild VTT’s Web Interfaces and Database Applications 

      Sanghvi, Chamundeeswari (Turun yliopisto, 14.12.2015)
      With the growth in new technologies, using online tools have become an everyday lifestyle. It has a greater impact on researchers as the data obtained from various experiments needs to be analyzed and knowledge of programming ...
    • Advanced Persistent Threats and Cloud Security in Finnish Small and Medium -sized Enterprises 

      Mölsä, Valtteri (Turun yliopisto, 21.02.2018)
      Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) has become more common over the last few.years. In the past, this kind of information security threats and attacks were aimed mainly against large business but over the last few years ...
    • Advanced Persistent Threats – Proactive Mitigation Solutions for Organizations 

      Alin, Petteri (Turun yliopisto, 30.11.2016)
      Advanced Persistent Threat is a concept which has changed the essence of computer threats. While the world is turning to be completely dependent of the digital functions, it is about time to understand the current state ...
    • An enhanced noc-based embedded heterogeneous manycore platform 

      Zheng, Xuan (Turun yliopisto, 17.09.2018)
      Deep learning is playing an increasingly significant role in pattern recognizing and verifying, in which the core structure is convolutional neural networks (CNNs). A well-trained CNN is proved to have achieved a promising ...
    • An Information Security Extension to common Project Management Frameworks 

      Kossila, Johannes (Turun yliopisto, 14.03.2017)
      IT-organisaatiot ovat jo vuosikymmenien ajan pilkkoneet suuria työmääriä pienemmiksi ja helpommin hallittaviksi projekteiksi saavuttaakseen kilpailullisia etuja ja parantaakseen sisäistä tehokkuutta. Projektien ...
    • An Intelligent Healthcare Box Based on IoT Technology 

      Liu, Xingchen (Turun yliopisto, 15.08.2017)
      With the aging of the social population problem developing, the medical and nursing needs of the elderly are rising. Therefore, many Internet of Things (IoT) healthcare works came into being. They provide simple healthcare ...