Aineistot 1-10 / 580
Slovenian nurses’ research utilization competence and received support from nurse managers
<p>Introduction. Research utilization is the core of evidence-based practice. Nurse managers have an important role to support competence management and research utilization in nursing care.</p><p>Aim. The aim of the study ...
The development and testing of the C/WoundComp instrument for assessing chronic wound‐care competence in student nurses and podiatrists
The purpose of this study was to describe the level of chronic wound-care competence among graduating student nurses and student podiatrists in comparison with that of professionals and to develop and test a new instrument ...
Day of the week to tweet: A randomised controlled trial
<div><p><strong>Objective</strong> To assess the effects of using health social media on different days of the working week on web activity.</p></div><div><p><strong>Design</strong> Individually randomised controlled ...
The association of diabetes-related self-care activities with perceived stress, anxiety, and fatigue: a cross-sectional study
Purpose: Many people with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) do not sustain sufficient diabetes-related self-care activities (DRSCA) in their daily lives. To provide additional information about the positive influence of DRSCA, this ...
Valmiuksien ja vaatimusten ristiriita - terveydenhoitajien kokemuksia tutkintoonsa sisältyneistä mielenterveysopinnoista
<p><strong>Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: </strong>Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata lastenneuvolassa ja kouluterveydenhuollossa työskentelevien terveydenhoitajien kokemuksia tutkintoonsa sisältyneistä ...
Consistent practices in pressure ulcer prevention based on international care guidelines: A cross-sectional study
The use of consistent and evidence-based practices is essential in terms of patient safety and quality of care. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of consistent practices in PU prevention based on international ...
Ethical issues related to the use of gerontechnology in older people care: A scoping review
<div><div><h2>Background:</h2></div><p>Demographic trends indicate growth of population aged 65 and older in Western countries. One of the greatest challenges is to provide high-quality care for all. Technological solutions ...
Sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan opettajien digitaalinen osaaminen
<p>Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata sosiaali-,
terveys- ja kuntoutusalan (soteku) opettajien
(n=388) digitaalista osaamista osana TerOpe-hanketta. Aineisto kerättiin DigCompEdu CheckIn
Self-reflection Tool ...
Connectivity to computers and the Internet among patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a cross-sectional study
<p>Purpose</p><p>Information and communication technologies have been developed for a variety of health care applications and user groups in the field of health care. This study examined the connectivity to computers and ...