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Long-Term Outcomes of Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Background: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and events. Little is, however, known about the influence of RA to the outcomes after surgical aortic valve ...
Childhood and long-term dietary calcium intake and adult cardiovascular risk in a population with high calcium intake
<p>Background & aims</p><p>The influence of dietary calcium intake in childhood on adult cardiovascular health is unknown, particularly in those with long-term high intake. To examine both linear and non-linear associations ...
Mitochondrial genome-wide analysis of nuclear DNA methylation quantitative trait loci
<p>Mitochondria have a complex communication network with the surrounding cell and can alter nuclear DNA methylation (DNAm). Variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has also been linked to differential DNAm. Genome-wide ...
Compassion protects against vital exhaustion and negative emotionality
We investigated (i) the predictive relationships of compassion with negative emotionality (a marker of susceptibility to stress) and vital exhaustion (a marker of chronic stress response) and (ii) the effect of compassion ...
Predicting overweight and obesity in young adulthood from childhood body-mass index: comparison of cutoffs derived from longitudinal and cross-sectional data
Background Historically, cutoff points for childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity have been based on population-specific percentiles derived from cross-sectional data. To obtain cutoff points that might better ...
68Ga-DOTA chelate, a novel imaging agent for assessment of myocardial perfusion and infarction detection in a rodent model
<p>Background<br />Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with Gadolinium 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N′,N″,N′′′,N″″-tetraacetic acid (Gd-DOTA) enables assessment of myocardial perfusion during first-pass of the contrast ...
Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity
Many genetic loci affect circulating lipid levels, but it remains unknown whether lifestyle factors, such as physical activity, modify these genetic effects. To identify lipid loci interacting with physical activity, we ...
Meta-analysis uncovers genome-wide significant variants for rapid kidney function decline
<p>Rapid decline of glomerular filtration rate estimated from creatinine (eGFRcrea) is associated with severe clinical endpoints. In contrast to cross-sectionally assessed eGFRcrea, the genetic basis for rapid eGFRcrea ...
Muscular strength across the life course: The tracking and trajectory patterns of muscular strength between childhood and mid-adulthood in an Australian cohort
<p>Objectives</p><p>Low muscular strength is a risk factor for current and future adverse health outcomes. However, whether levels of muscular strength persist, or track, and if there are distinct muscular strength ...