Aineistot 1-5 / 5
Enhancing social and health care educators’ competence in digital pedagogy: A pilot study of educational intervention
<p>The purpose of this pilot study was to explore connection of an educational intervention on the competence of health care educators and educator candidates (n=11) in digital pedagogy as a part of national TerOpe project. ...
Sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan opettajien digipedagogiseen osaamiseen yhteydessä olevat tekijät
<p>Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan (soteku) opettajien digipedagogiseen osaamiseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. <br></p><p>Aineisto ja menetelmät: Aineisto ...
An empirical model of social and healthcare educators' continuing professional development in Finland
<p>Abstract<br></p><p>The objective of this work was to develop and test an empirical model of social and healthcare educators' continuing professional development. A cross-sectional survey study design was adopted, and a ...
Health sciences educators’ and educator candidates’ digipedagogical competence: assessment after an online course
<p>The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of an online course, as well its development after implementation, and to focus on the health sciences educators’ and educator candidates’ assessments of their ...
Social, health care and rehabilitation educators' competence in professional education-Empirical testing of a model
The social and health care educator's role in educating future professionals need to be stronger emphasised and deserves international recognition. The purpose of this study was to develop and test an empirical model of ...