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Childhood and long-term dietary calcium intake and adult cardiovascular risk in a population with high calcium intake
<p>Background & aims</p><p>The influence of dietary calcium intake in childhood on adult cardiovascular health is unknown, particularly in those with long-term high intake. To examine both linear and non-linear associations ...
68Ga-DOTA chelate, a novel imaging agent for assessment of myocardial perfusion and infarction detection in a rodent model
<p>Background<br />Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with Gadolinium 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N′,N″,N′′′,N″″-tetraacetic acid (Gd-DOTA) enables assessment of myocardial perfusion during first-pass of the contrast ...
Dietary Intervention in Infancy and Cognitive Function in Young Adulthood: The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project
<p><strong>Objective: </strong>Consumption of saturated fatty acids (SAFAs), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), cholesterol, and fiber have been linked with cognitive function in adults. We evaluated these associations ...
Weight gain in infancy and markers of cardiometabolic health in young adulthood
Aim We studied whether repeatedly measured weight gain from birth up to age 2 years associated with cardiometabolic health in young adulthood. Methods Using the data collected in the longitudinal Special Turku Coronary ...
Attainment of Targets of the 20-Year Infancy-Onset Dietary Intervention and Blood Pressure Across Childhood and Young Adulthood The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP)
We examined whether success in achieving the key targets of an infancy-onset 20-year dietary intervention was associated with blood pressure (BP) from infancy to young adulthood. In the prospective randomized STRIP (Special ...
Circulating inflammatory cytokines and risk of five cancers: a Mendelian randomization analysis
<p><strong>Background: </strong>Epidemiological and experimental evidence has linked chronic inflammation to cancer aetiology. It is unclear whether associations for specific inflammatory biomarkers are causal or due to ...
Low-saturated-fat and low-cholesterol diet does not alter pubertal development and hormonal status in adolescents
<p><br />Aim<br />The aim was to assess the influence of dietary counselling on the pubertal development and hormonal status in healthy adolescents.<br /><br />Methods<br />We used a subcohort of 193 healthy boys (52%) and ...
Sydän- ja verisuonitautien ehkäisy kannattaa aloittaa jo vauvasta - STRIP-tutkimus näyttää miksi ja miten
Satunnaistetussa STRIP-tutkimuksessa 562 tervettä lasta sai tyydyttyneen rasvan saannin vähentämiseen tähtäävää ravitsemusneuvontaa kahdeksan kuukauden iästä alkaen 20 vuoden ikään asti, ja 545 saman ikäistä lasta seurattiin ...
Permutation-based significance analysis reduces the type 1 error rate in bisulfite sequencing data analysis of human umbilical cord blood samples
<p>DNA methylation patterns are largely established in-utero and might mediate the impacts of in-utero conditions on later health outcomes. Associations between perinatal DNA methylation marks and pregnancy-related variables, ...
Assessment of myocardial viability with [15O]water PET: A validation study in experimental myocardial infarction
<p>Background: Assessment of myocardial viability is often needed in patients with chest pain and reduced ejection fraction. We evaluated the performance of reduced resting MBF, perfusable tissue fraction (PTF), and ...