Aineistot 1-10 / 19
Atopic asthma after rhinovirus-induced wheezing is associated with DNA methylation change in the SMAD3 gene promoter
<p>Children with rhinovirus-induced severe early wheezing have an increased risk of developing asthma later in life. The exact molecular mechanisms for this association are still mostly unknown. To identify potential changes ...
Synnynnäisen hypotyreoosin seulonta vastasyntyneiltä kuiva- ja napaverinäytteistä
LÄHTÖKOHDAT Synnynnäisiä aineenvaihduntasairauksia seulotaan kuivaverinäytteistä koko Suomessa. Synnynnäistä hypotyreoosia seulotaan napaverinäytteistä, toisin kuin muissa länsimaissa.MENETELMÄT Vertasimme synnynnäisen ...
Mucosal-associated invariant T cell alterations during the development of human type 1 diabetes
Aims/hypothesis Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells are innate-like T cells that recognise derivatives of bacterial riboflavin metabolites presented by MHC-Ib-related protein 1 (MR1) molecules and are important ...
Differences in epitope-specific antibodies to pertussis toxin after infection and acellular vaccinations
Pertussis toxin (PT) is a component of all acellular pertussis
vaccines. PT must be ...
Sikiökautinen ympäristö säätelee elintapasairauksien riskiä
<p>•Aikuisiän sairauksien riskin ohjelmoitumisella tarkoitetaan
ympäristön vaikutusta kehittyvään yksilöön sikiöajan ja
varhaislapsuuden herkkyyskausien aikana.
<p>•Ohjelmoitumisessa sikiö sopeutuu ...
An Infancy-Onset 20-Year Dietary Counselling Intervention and Gut Microbiota Composition in Adulthood
The randomized controlled Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP) has completed a 20-year infancy-onset dietary counselling intervention to reduce exposure to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ...
Food allergy in a child with de novo KAT6A mutation
Crying combined with miscellaneous gastrointestinal symptoms are typical symptoms of infant with food allergy, but are also common among children with abnormal neurological development. Mutations in KAT6A gene is known to ...
Circulating CXCR5−PD-1hi peripheral T helper cells are associated with progression to type 1 diabetes
<p>Aims/hypothesis Type 1 diabetes is preceded by a period of asymptomatic autoimmunity characterised by positivity for islet autoantibodies. Therefore, T helper cell responses that induce B cell activation are likely to ...
A Comparison of Rule-based Analysis with Regression Methods in Understanding the Risk Factors for Study Withdrawal in a Pediatric Study
<p>Regression models are extensively used in many epidemiological studies to understand the linkage between specific outcomes of interest and their risk factors. However, regression models in general examine the average ...