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Ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: Effect of prospective studies with newborn genetic screening and follow up of risk children
We studied the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in a region where newborn infants have since 1995 been recruited for genetic screening for human leukocyte antigen ...
Torque Teno Virus Primary Infection Kinetics in Early Childhood
Human torque teno viruses (TTVs) are a diverse group of small nonenveloped viruses with circular, single-stranded DNA genomes. These elusive anelloviruses are harbored in the blood stream of most humans and have thus been ...
Effectiveness of the Close Collaboration with Parents intervention on parent-infant closeness in NICU
BackgroundParent-infant closeness during hospital care of newborns has many benefits for both infants and parents. We developed an educational intervention for neonatal staff, Close Collaboration with Parents, to increase ...
Atopic asthma after rhinovirus-induced wheezing is associated with DNA methylation change in the SMAD3 gene promoter
<p>Children with rhinovirus-induced severe early wheezing have an increased risk of developing asthma later in life. The exact molecular mechanisms for this association are still mostly unknown. To identify potential changes ...
Persistent human bocavirus 1 infection and tonsillar immune responses
<p><b>Background</b> Persistent human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) infection is a common finding in patients suffering from chronic tonsillar disease. However, the associations between HBoV1 infection and specific immune reactions ...
Hypogonadism and Cryptorchidism
Congenital cryptorchidism (undescended testis) is one of the most common congenital urogenital malformations in boys. Prevalence of cryptorchidism at birth among boys born with normal birth weight ranges from 1.8 to 8.4%. ...
First-emerging islet autoantibody and glucose metabolism: search for type 1 diabetes subtypes
<p>Objective<br></p><p>Subtypes in type 1 diabetes pathogenesis have been implicated based on the first-appearing autoantibody (primary autoantibody). We set out to describe the glucose metabolism in preclinical diabetes ...
Lysinuurinen proteiini-intoleranssi
Lysinuurinen proteiini-intoleranssi (LPI) on harvinainen suomalaiseen tautiperintöön kuuluva arginiinin, ornitiinin ja lysiinin kuljetushäiriö suolen ja munuaistiehyiden solukalvoilla. Arginiinin ja ornitiinin puute aiheuttaa ...
Myxovirus Resistance Protein A as a Marker of Viral Cause of Illness in Children Hospitalized with an Acute Infection
<p>A biomarker for viral infection could improve the differentiation between viral and bacterial infections and reduce antibiotic overuse. We examined blood myxovirus resistance protein A (MxA) as a biomarker for viral infections in children with an acute infection. We recruited 251 children presenting with a clinical suspicion of serious bacterial infection, determined by need for a blood bacterial culture collection, and 14 children with suspected viral infection at two pediatric emergency departments. All children were aged between 4 weeks and 16 years. We classified cases according to the viral, bacterial, or other etiology of the final diagnosis. The ability of MxA to differentiate between viral and bacterial infections was assessed. The median blood MxA levels were 467 (interquartile range, 235 to 812) μg/L in 39 children with a viral infection, 469 (178 to 827) μg/L in 103 children with viral-bacterial coinfection, 119 (68 to 227) μg/L in 75 children with bacterial infection, and 150 (101 to 212) μg/L in 26 children with bacterial infection and coincidental virus finding (P < 0.001). In a receiver operating characteristics analysis, MxA cutoff level of 256 μg/L differentiated between children with viral and bacterial infections with an area under the curve of 0.81 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.73 to 0.90), a sensitivity of 74.4%, and a specificity of 80.0%. In conclusion, MxA protein showed moderate accuracy as a biomarker for symptomatic viral infections in children hospitalized with an acute infection. High prevalence of viral-bacterial coinfections supports the use of MxA in combination with biomarkers of bacterial infection.<br></p>...
Early-life exposure to perfluorinated alkyl substances modulates lipid metabolism in progression to celiac disease
<p>Celiac disease (CD) is a systemic immune-mediated disorder with increased frequency in the developed countries over the last decades implicating the potential causal role of various environmental triggers in addition ...