Aineistot 31-40 / 1546
Therapeutic Potential of Targeting the SUMO Pathway in Cancer
<p> The small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) pathway regulates the hallmark properties of cancer cells. Moreover, alterations in activity and in levels of SUMO machinery components have been observed in human cancer. Due ...
Sex-Dependent Improvement in Survival of Parkinson's Disease Patients
Background Advances in the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD) and changes in general life expectancy may have improved survival in patients with PD.Objective The objective of this study was to investigate recent trends ...
Early Detection of Peripheral Blood Cell Signature in Children Developing Beta-Cell Autoimmunity at a Young Age
<p>The appearance of Type 1 diabetes (T1D)-associated autoantibodies is the
first and only measurable parameter to predict progression toward T1D
in genetically susceptible individuals. However, autoantibodies indicate
Seroprevalence of Pertussis in Adults at Childbearing Age Pre- and Post- COVID-19 in Beijing, China
The number of reported pertussis cases has significantly decreased during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic under the influence of strict public health measures in many countries including China. This study ...
Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumors share a distinct DNA methylation profile and mutations in FGFR1, with recurrent co-mutation of PIK3CA and NF1
<p>Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor (RGNT) is a rare brain neoplasm that primarily affects young adults. Although alterations affecting the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) ...
Receptor tyrosine kinase profiling of ischemic heart identifies ROR1 as a potential therapeutic target
BackgroundReceptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) are potential targets for the treatment of ischemic heart disease. The human RTK family consists of 55 members, most of which have not yet been characterized for expression or ...
Persistent human bocavirus 1 infection and tonsillar immune responses
<p><b>Background</b> Persistent human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) infection is a common finding in patients suffering from chronic tonsillar disease. However, the associations between HBoV1 infection and specific immune reactions ...
RepViz: A replicate-driven R tool for visualizing genomic regions
<p>Objective: Visualization of sequencing data is an integral part of genomic data analysis. Although there are several
tools to visualize sequencing data on genomic regions, they do not ofer user-friendly ways to view ...
Brain volumes in relation to loneliness and social competence in preadolescents born very preterm
<h3> Introduction</h3>
<p>The aim of the present study was to assess how
regional brain volumes associate ...