Aineistot 1-10 / 1058
Vahinkoeläinsodasta psykologiseen omistajuuteen. Petokonfliktien historiallinen tausta ja nykypäivän hallinta
(Helsingin yliopisto, 2014-12-12)
Suurpetojen kannanhoitoon, ja etenkin suden kannanhoitoon liittyvä monitahoinen konfl ikti esiintyy jännitteinä paikallisyhteisöjen ja keskushallinnon, maaseudun ja kaupunkien sekä maallikoiden ja tutkijoiden välillä. ...
The Fusarium Mycotoxins in Finnish Cereal Grains : How to Control and Manage the Risk
(Turun yliopisto, 2016-12-02)
The central goal of grain cultivation is the production of high-quality food or feed-related raw materials for the processing industry. Management of Fusarium mycotoxins in Finnish cereal grains have a direct ...
Letters from the War of Ecosystems – An Analysis of Independent Software Vendors in Mobile Application Marketplaces
(Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2014-12-19)
The recent emergence of a new generation of mobile application marketplaces has changed the business in the mobile ecosystems. The marketplaces have gathered over a million applications by hundreds of thousands of application ...
The spindle assembly checkpoint as a drug target - Novel small-molecule inhibitors of Aurora kinases
(Turun yliopistoAnnales Universitatis Turkuensis 443, 2012-09-21)
Cell division (mitosis) is a fundamental process in the life cycle of a cell. Equal distribution of chromosomes between the daughter cells is essential for the viability and well-being of an organism: loss of fidelity of ...
Collagen binding integrins and cancer testis antigens in prostate cancer and melanoma
(Turun yliopisto, 2016-05-20)
Camilla Pelo
Collagen Binding Integrins and Cancer Testis Antigens in Prostate Cancer and Melanoma
Department of Biochemistry, MediCity Research Laboratory, University of Turku, Finland
Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, ...
Numerics of Spacecraft Dynamics
(Turun yliopisto, 2011-02-26)
Whenever a spacecraft is launched it is essential that the algorithms in the on-board software systems and at ground control are efficient and reliable over extended periods of time. Geometric numerical integrators, and ...
Cuticular and Suberin Polymers of Edible Plants. Analysis by Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric and Solid State Spectroscopic Methods
Cutin and suberin are structural and protective polymers of plant surfaces. The epidermal cells of the aerial parts of plants are covered with an extracellular cuticular layer, which consists of polyester cutin, highly ...
Composition of Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) Fruits and Leaves and emblic Leafflower (Phyllanthus emblica) Fruits
(Turun yliopisto, 2012-05-04)
Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.) is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere (Asia, Europe and North America). It has been used as a medicinal material and food for hundreds of years both in Europe and in China. Clinical ...
Combinatorics on Words. New Aspects on Avoidability, Defect Effect, Equations and Palindromes
(Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2014-04-11)
In this thesis we examine four well-known and traditional concepts of combinatorics on words. However the contexts in which these topics are treated are not the traditional ones. More precisely, the question of avoidability ...
Tonni- ja pitoisuusmallit Suomen karbonatiitti- ja alkalikivi-isäntäisille REE- ja P-esiintymille
(Turun yliopisto, 2016-12-14)
Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli luoda tonni- ja pitoisuusmallit Suomen karbonatiitti- ja alkalikivi-isäntäisille REE- ja P-esiintymille. Tämä tutkimus oli pohjatyötä Geologian tutkimuskeskuksen ”Mineraaliset raaka-aineet ...