Aineistot 1-10 / 2249
Information needs in the day-to-day operations management of hospital units
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-08-31)
Day-to-day operations management of hospital units is complex due to several actors, changing situations and various information systems in use. Responsible professionals face challenges to obtain important information for ...
Pediatric traumatic brain injury in Finland : contextual influences and threats to caregiver capacity
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-10-12)
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when a mechanical force to the head distorts brain function. This interruption in function can result in temporary, long term or permanent brain damage or even death. Research on TBI's ...
Neurocognitive deficits, academic difficulties and substance dependence among Finnish offenders : connections to recidivism and implications for rehabilitation
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-04-27)
Neurocognitive and academic deficits are frequent among male offenders and the prevalence of these disorders is known to be higher than in the general population. Also psychiatric disorders and substance dependence are ...
Essays on non-search unemployment and monetary policy
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 2018-06-01)
This doctoral dissertation explores the role that institutions and policies can have
in shaping aggregate economic outcomes. The thesis is comprised of an introductory
chapter and three independent essays. All essays set ...
The choice is yours but it is politically tinged. The social correlates of political party preferences in Finland
(Turun yliopisto, 2019-04-18)
The present study investigates the significance of political party preferences in Finland by drawing upon two perspectives. Firstly, the research engages in the tradition of economic sociology, as one of its critical ...
Neural basis of acquired amusia and its recovery
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-05-25)
In acquired amusia, the healthy music processing system in the brain is disrupted due to focal brain damage. This creates an exceptional opportunity to investigate the critical neural architectures of music processing. ...
The Role of kin in educational and status attainment
(Turun yliopisto, 2020-01-31)
One of the most robust findings of sociological research is that family background is associated with children’s status and educational attainment. A child with an advantageous family background is more likely to have a ...
Computational methods and tools for protein phosphorylation analysis
(Turun yliopisto, 2019-04-05)
Signaling pathways represent a central regulatory mechanism of biological systems where a key event in their correct functioning is the reversible phosphorylation of proteins. Protein phosphorylation affects at least ...
In vivo imaging of vascular adhesion protein 1 - preclinical studies with positron emission tomography
(Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D 1006Turun yliopisto, 2012-03-31)
The golden standard in nuclear medicine imaging of inflammation is the use of radiolabeled leukocytes. Although their diagnostic accuracy is good, the preparation of the leukocytes is both laborious and potentially hazardous ...
Improving the efficiencies of photoautotrophic biofuel production: from biomass to biocatalysts
(Turun yliopisto, 2019-05-27)
The rising effects of climate change and global problems of resource scarcity and environmental pollution require a change in paradigm towards sustainable energy and chemicals production. Photosynthetic microbes, including ...