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Älykäs ja Ketterä palveluyritys
(Turun yliopisto, 2016-06-08)
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa palvelumarkkinoinnin, tietojohtamisen, Ketterien ja Lean menetelmien kirjallisuutta. Tutkimus vastaa kysymyksiin: Miten yritys voi tuottaa lisäarvoa asiakkaalle? Mikä vaikutus ...
Large Software Implementation Project: A study of software development and project management literature
This study focuses on large scale software delivery, where development is done on top of an existing system or parallel to it. This thesis aims to answer to the question: How to implement a large scale custom solution? ...
Large Software Implementation Project: A study of software development and project management literature
This study focuses on large scale software delivery, where development is done on top of an existing system or parallel to it. This thesis aims to answer to the question: How to implement a large scale custom solution? ...