Aineistot 11-20 / 53
Fantastic in Form, Ambiguous in Content: Secondary Worlds in Soviet Children’s Fantasy Fiction.
(Turun yliopisto, 2009-02-13)
Historical appraisal analysis: evaluation of the book in sixteenth-century England
(Turun yliopisto, 2021-12-04)
This dissertation is a study of the evaluation of the book in the English Renaissance. The purpose of the study is to find out what a good book was like in sixteenth-century England, what personal and societal attitudes ...
Altrove : viaggiatrici italiane nell’Europa del Nord
(Turun yliopisto, 2019-11-16)
Despite the increasing interest in women’s travelogues, no study has so far focused on those written by Italian women about the Northern European area. This dissertation aims at filling up this gap with a comparative ...
The Philological-Pragmatic Approach : A Study of Language Choice and Code-Switching in Early Modern English School Performances
(Turun yliopisto, 2019-12-05)
In this study I set out to account for certain central aspects of language choice and code-switching. My purpose is twofold: to explain why people use multiple languages within a single discourse or choose to use a particular ...
Montagne magiche. Irrazionalismo, esoterismo e tardo romanticismo nella cultura alpinistica italiana della prima meta' del Novecento. Evola, Rudatis, Zapparoli
(Turun yliopisto, 2020-05-09)
This study is dedicated to the analysis of the relations between the irrationalism, esoterism, the late romanticism and the Italian cultural climate in the mountaineering world of the first half of the twentieth century.
The ...
Reflexive Space. A Constructionist Model of the Russian Reflexive Marker
(Turun yliopisto, 2013-05-10)
This study examines the structure of the Russian Reflexive Marker ( ся/-сь) and offers a usage-based model building on Construction Grammar and a probabilistic view of linguistic structure. Traditionally, reflexive verbs ...
La traduzione della letteratura per l’infanzia dal finlandese all’italiano: l’esempio degli albi illustrati di Mauri Kunnas
(Turun yliopisto, 2014-05-17)
Despite the increasing number of research on translating for children, no study has so far taken into consideration the translations of children’s literature from Finnish into Italian. This dissertation sets out to fill ...
Quest/ion of Identities in African American Feminist Postmodern Drama: A Study of Selected Plays by Suzan-Lori Parks
(Turun yliopisto, 2016-06-10)
Innovative and unconventional, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Suzan-Lori Parks belongs to the continuum of African American playwrights who have contributed to the quest/ion – the quest for and question – of identities ...
Alchemy in the vernacular: an edition and study of early English witnesses of The Mirror of Alchemy
(Turun yliopisto, 2021-05-27)
This study concerns an English-language alchemical work called <i>The Mirror of Alchemy (MoA).</i> I examine manuscript copies of <i>MoA</i> from the 15th to 17th centuries as well as a printed edition from 1597. The main ...