Aineistot 21-30 / 66
Distributional Semantic Models for Clinical Text Applied to Health Record Summarization
(Turun yliopisto, 2016-09-20)
As information systems in the health sector are becoming increasingly computerized, large amounts of care-related information are being stored electronically. In hospitals clinicians continuously document treatment and ...
Setup Optimization in High-Mix Surface Mount PCB Assembly
(Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2008-11-22)
Machine Learning and Clinical Text. Supporting Health Information Flow
(Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2009-12-15)
Fluent health information flow is critical for clinical decision-making. However, a considerable part of this information is free-form text and inabilities to utilize it create risks to patient safety and cost-effective ...
Adaptive Routing Approaches for Networked Many-Core Systems
(Turun yliopistoAnnales Universitatis Turkuensis A I 465, 2013-06-28)
Through advances in technology, System-on-Chip design is moving towards integrating tens to hundreds of intellectual property blocks into a single chip. In such a many-core system, on-chip communication becomes a performance ...
Readout architectures for hybrid pixel detector readout chips
(Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2015-06-15)
The original contribution of this thesis to knowledge are novel digital readout architectures for hybrid pixel readout chips. The thesis presents asynchronous bus-based architecture, a data-node based column architecture ...
Selective Outsourcing in Global IT Services : Operational Level Challenges and Opportunities
(Turun yliopistoTurku Centre for Computer Science, 2017-12-15)
Companies need to answer and react timely and efficiently to their customers’ perception in order to stay in business. Companies are finding ways to control and reduce costs. Increasingly, internal IT development and service ...
Hierarchical Agent-based Adaptation for Self-Aware Embedded Computing Systems
(Turun yliopistoAnnales Universitatis Turkuensis A I 452, 2012-12-10)
A Dependency Parsing Approach to Biomedical Text Mining
(Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2008-09-06)
Biomedical research is currently facing a new type of challenge: an excess of information, both in terms of raw data from experiments and in the number of scientific publications describing their results. Mirroring the ...
Software Development Process Modeling. Developers Perspective to Contemporary Modeling Techniques
(Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2012-11-02)
Formal software development processes and well-defined development methodologies
are nowadays seen as the definite way to produce high-quality software within
time-limits and budgets. The variety of such high-level ...
Scalable Feature Selection Applications for Genome-Wide Association Studies of Complex Diseases
(Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2015-08-19)
Personalized medicine will revolutionize our capabilities to combat disease. Working toward this goal, a fundamental task is the deciphering of geneticvariants that are predictive of complex diseases. Modern studies, in ...