Selaus oppiaineen mukaan kokoelmassa Pro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt sekä syventävien opintojen opinnäytetyöt (rajattu näkyvyys) Elektroniikka ja tietoliikennetekn.(TT-laitos)

    • Applying Reversible Privacy to Streaming Data 

      Koivunen, Lauri (12.08.2019)
      Even though the world is full of data with great potential to improve our living, a lot of it is out of public reach and also not available for research purposes due to security and privacy concerns. A special case of ...
    • Developing Network Security in Small and Medium-sized SaaS Industry Enterprise 

      Kemppinen, Edgar (11.06.2019)
      Network security’s mission is to secure data and hosts in a network environment by ensuring confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, availability, access control, and authentication. A Software as a Service (SaaS) ...
    • Improving sensitivity and reliability of optical PM2.5 measurement 

      Järvinen, Antti (27.12.2018)
      Air pollution is a major problem in many industrialized and urbanized areas. Its health hazards are currently the leading environmental cause of death. One of the key components of air pollution is aerosol particulate ...