Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa Pro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt sekä syventävien opintojen opinnäytetyöt (kokotekstit)

Aineistot 698-717 / 5475

      Causal Layered Analysis, Ethnographic Interview, Development Economics, UWC, eSwatini, Waterford Kamhlaba, Education, Innovation, Socio-Economic Cycles [1]
      CBDT, Case-based decision theory, tapauskohtainen päätöksentekoteoria [1]
      CBRN, ChemPro100, ilmaisu, kemiallinen taisteluaine, membraaninäytteensyöttö, polydimetyylisiloksaani [1]
      CD73, pancreatic cancer, immune evasion, cancer immunotherapy [1]
      Cell cultures, Three-dimensional, Mesenchymal stem cells, Mononuclear cells [1]
      Center of Excellence (CoE), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), financial services, banking, governance [1]
      ceriumoksidi, grafeeni, nanomateriaalit, ohutkalvot, superkondensaattorit, sähkökemia [1]
      Chaga, Inonotus obliquus, polysaccharides, mycelium [1]
      change, pioneer analysis, pioneering, futures research, futures image [1]
      Charity campaigns, CSR, Sustainability [1]
      Charlotte Brontë, Jean Rhys, kauneus, katse, toimijuus, identiteetti, 1800-luku, feministinen kirjallisuudentutkimus, postkolonialismi, intersektionaalisuus, Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea [1]
      chemistry teaching, open box spectrometer, UV-Vis spectroscopy, first-year undergraduate, hands-on learning, laboratory experiment, learning objectives, formative assessment [1]
      chemistry,tenebrescence,photochromism,X-ray,tape casting,hackmanite,kemia,tenebresenssi,fotokromismi,röntgen,hackmaniitti [1]
      chest tube, thoracostomy, complications, pneumothorax, hemothorax, pleural effusion, pleural empyema [1]
      Child maintenance, anti-poverty effectiveness, child maintenance schemes, and family structure [1]
      childhood asthma, coronavirus, COVID‐19 [1]
      Childhood cancer, gut microbiota [1]
      children’s books, children’s literature, colonial education, colonial legacy, Indigenous Language Textbook, Moral Textbook, moral content, moral education, moral values, post-colonial, textbook analysis, Tran Trong Kim, Vietnam [1]
      China, foreign policy, international relations, military base, Djibouti, Africa [1]
      China, international joint venture, Sino-Finnish joint venture [1]