Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa Pro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt sekä syventävien opintojen opinnäytetyöt (kokotekstit)

Aineistot 724-743 / 5475

      choir singing, senior adult, ERP, P1, N1, MMN, pitch, location [1]
      chronic kidney disease, diet management, mini program, prototype [1]
      chronotype, morningess-eveningness, cohort study, measurement [1]
      Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster,invented religions,parody religions,atheism,counterreligion,religion and secular,public–private distinction,discursive study of religion [1]
      Cicero, Atticus, kirje, kirjeenvaihto, kirjekokoelma, lisänimi, pilkkanimi, seläntakaisnimi, lempinimi, hellittelynimi [1]
      Circular economy, System change perspective, Closed loop thinking [1]
      circular economy, urban studies, futures research, sustainable development, kiertotalous, kaupunkitutkimus, tulevaisuuden tutkimus, kestävä kehitys, ympäristö [1]
      Citation network, Main path analysis, Eigenvector centrality, Coupling [1]
      city bikes, GDPR, data protection, smart city, security, personal data processing, consent, privacy [1]
      civil aviation, images of the future, wild card, key factors [1]
      CLASS, adhd, työrauha, rutiinit, käytänteet, piilo-opetussuunnitelma [1]
      classification, health monitoring, photoplethysmography, sleep detection, supervised learning, wearables [1]
      Classification, Machine learning, k-nearest neighbors, Portable document format, Document extraction [1]
      Clever-1, metastasis, lymph, cancer [1]
      climate anxiety, climate change anxiety, eco-anxiety, anxiety, climate anxiety scale, coping style, coping mechanism [1]
      clinical prediction models, big data, predictive analytics, healthcare industry, deployment strategy, critical success factors, project management, CRISP-DM, design science, CRISP-DM Deployment Extension for CPMs [1]
      clinical trial, ethical review process, Nordic countries [1]
      cloud computing, cloud environment, cloud migration, cloud migration strategies, cloud migration process [1]
      cloud computing, infrastructure as code, pulumi, terraform, ansible, devops [1]
      Cloud computing, Penetration testing, Cloud security [1]