Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa Pro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt sekä syventävien opintojen opinnäytetyöt (kokotekstit)

Aineistot 880-899 / 6062

      Coronary artery disease, phonocardiography, medical technology, iOS, wearable [1]
      coronavirus, Sars-Cov-2, Louisiana, social issues, chronic health issues, living wage, climate change, food security [1]
      corporate communication, annual reports, CEO letter, rhetoric, organizational rhetoric, rhetorical criticism, modes of persuasion, ethos, pathos, logos [1]
      corporate discourse, discursive psychology, discursive action model, agency [1]
      corporate divestiture, asset sell-off, corporate strategy, value creation, realignment, synergy [1]
      Corporate foresight, Artificial intelligence, Foresight [1]
      corporate governance, johdon palkitseminen, agenttiteoria, optimaalinen sopimusteo- ria, johdon valtateoria, behavioristinen agenttiteoria, finanssiala [1]
      Corporate social responsibility report; Format; Feature extraction [1]
      Corporate social responsibility, stakeholder management, forest industry [1]
      corporate sustainability, corporate environmental performance, corporate social performance, sustainability-oriented innovation, SME [1]
      Corporate sustainability, Maritime industry, MRO, Case study, Mixed methods [1]
      corporate sustainability, performance measuring, implementation, SPMS [1]
      corrective feedback, oral corrective feedback, teacher oral corrective feedback, students’ preferences, students’ beliefs, language teaching, language learning, second language acquisition [1]
      Correlation, maximal correlation, maximal information coefficient, measures of dependence, mutual information, neural networks [1]
      Cortical excitability, Transcranial direct current stimulation, Stimulus duration, Neural mechanism [1]
      cosplay, kokonainen käsityöprosessi, ositettu käsityöprosessi, käsityö, käsityöharrastus, käsityönopetus, käytettävyys, e-oppimateriaali, e-opetusmateriaali, autoetnografia, käytettävyystutkimus [1]
      cottages, second home, real estate market, Covid-19, pandemic, difference-in-difference [1]
      Country image, country-of-origin, trust, privacy, information sharing, social media [1]
      Country image, international students, Finland, destination country, post-graduation intentions, country image changes, politics, maakuva, kansainväliset opiskelijat, Suomi, opiskelumaan valinta, valmistumisen jälkeiset aikomukset, maakuvan muuttuminen, politiikka [1]
      Country-of-Origin Image, Foodstuff exports, Finnish foodstuffs [1]