Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa Pro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt sekä syventävien opintojen opinnäytetyöt (rajattu näkyvyys)

Aineistot 1252-1271 / 3613

      integraatio, minäpystyvyys, erityistä tukea tarvitseva oppilas, yleinen opetus [1]
      Integraatio, oppimisen haasteet, oppimisvaikeudet, integroidut oppitunnit, integroidut oppilaat, tuen tarve, kokemukset [1]
      integroitu raportointi, IIRC, legitimaatioteoria, institutionaalinen teoria [1]
      integroitu raportointi, yhteiskuntavastuuraportointi, yhteiskuntavastuu [1]
      Intellectual property law, copyright law, competition law, EU law, Digital Single Market [1]
      Intellectual Property Law, Copyright, Copyright Directive, E-Commerce Directive, Fundamental Rights, Digitalization, Intermediary Liability, Platform Economy [1]
      Intelligent connectivity, 5g, Internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, Mobile marketing communication [1]
      interfaces, interface design for children, cognitive development [1]
      Intermediary liability, freedom of speech, hate speech, E-Commerce Directive, Communication Defency Act [1]
      intermediary liability, platforms, private enforcement, self-regulation, freedom of expression [1]
      internal customer, commitment, satisfaction [1]
      International business travelers, virtual communication technologies, meetings [1]
      International customary law, instant custom, instant custom of international law, ICIL, CIL, customary law, surveillance societies, international law, privacy, data protection, personal data, globalisation, agile law [1]
      international environmental law, artificial intelligence, environmental harms, corporate responsibility, kansainvälinen ympäristöoikeus, tekoäly, ympäristöhaitat, yritysvastuu [1]
      international knowledge transfer, licensing agreements, educational products [1]
      International Law – International Commercial Law, CISG, Arbitration, Arbitral Tribunal, Choice Of Law, Jurisdiction, Dispute Resolution [1]
      International law, Copyright, Three-step test, User-Generated content, Freedom of expression, Balance of interests, Interpretation of treaties, Kansainvälinen oikeus, Tekijänoikeus, Kolmen kohdan testi, Käyttäjien luoma sisältö, Sananvapaus, Intressien tasapaino, Sopimusten tulkinta [1]
      International law, data protection, privacy, surveillance, China. [1]
      international law, international tax law, profit allocation, amount A, arm’s length principle [1]
      international law, privacy protection, property protection, human rights, right of publicity, deepfake, technology [1]