Selaus nimekkeen mukaan kokoelmassa Pro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt sekä syventävien opintojen opinnäytetyöt (rajattu näkyvyys)
Aineistot 1134-1153 / 4679
GaAs(100)-pinnan passivointimenetelmien vertailu
(31.03.2020)Tämä tutkielma käsittelee GaAs(100)-pinnan passivointimenetelmien vertailua. Passivoinnin ideana on parantaa puolijohteen pinnan tai rajapinnan sähköisiä ominaisuuksia siirtämällä energia-aukossa olevia vikatiloja energia-aukon ...suljettu -
Game Theoretic Models of Poker
(27.05.2020)This thesis examines the card game poker from the perspective of game theory. After an initial look into the basic terminology and concepts of game theory, four different models of poker are presented from literature. ...suljettu -
Gamification of In-House Training : Potential of utilizing gamification in sales force training
(30.12.2024)This research explores the possible benefits of utilizing gamification in sales training. The benefits are presented through conducting a literature review as well as by interviewing professionals that are relevant to the ...suljettu -
Gender-specific associations of temperament dimensions and dental anxiety in parents of the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study.
(18.05.2022)We evaluated gender-specific associations of dental anxiety with four dimensions of temperament: effortful control, extraversion/surgency, negative affect and orienting sensitivity. The sample comprised 2558 parents from ...suljettu -
Gene identification of recessively inherited Kaposi sarcoma in an Israeli and an Iranian family
(26.02.2019)Kaposi sarcoma is an inflammatory soft tissue tumor, which occurs in four different epidemiological forms: epidemic, iatrogenic, endemic and classic. Kaposi sarcoma is caused by an infection by Kaposi sarcoma-associated ...suljettu -
Geneettiset kuuloviat ja niiden fenotyypit Varsinais-Suomessa
(27.10.2022)Kuulovika on yleisin aistipoikkeavuus. On arvioitu, että synnynnäisistä sensorineuraalisista kuulovioista miltei puolet on geneettisiä. Loppuosa kuulovioista on hankinnaisia ja etiologialtaan tuntemattomiksi jääneitä. ...suljettu -
Generating alpha with AI in the stock markets : Towards understanding the process
(06.08.2019)Artificial intelligence (AI) is a high-profile topic – it is currently impossible to avoid in the media. It is said that a technological arms race exists in the field of finance, regarding AI. The subject of this thesis ...suljettu -
Generation of Clinical Diagnostic Antibodies Against Common Lymphatic Endothelial and Vascular Endothelial Receptor 1
(15.06.2023)Background: Common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor 1 (CLEVER-1) is a scavenger glycoprotein receptor expressed on the surface of a subset of immunosuppressive macrophages. CLEVER-1 promotes tumor ...suljettu -
Generation of Knock-Out lines for actin cytoskeleton regulators (FCHSD2 and FGD2), and their role in B cells
(06.03.2019)B lymphocytes are cells of the immune system that produce variety of antibodies. Antigen binding to B cell receptor (BCR) leads to transmembrane signaling and antigen internalization. B cell presents internalized antigen ...suljettu -
Generative AI for Course Development : A Case Study using ChatGPT
(13.06.2024)This thesis employs a qualitative research methodology combined with design science and case study approaches to explore the potential of Generative AI tools in pedagogical environments to ease teachers' work. Integrating ...suljettu -
Generative AI Methods in Fluorescent Virtual Staining
(16.07.2024)This thesis investigates the application of advanced deep learning architectures, specifically the U-Net and the conditional Wasserstein GAN with gradient penalty (cWGAN-GP), in predicting fluorescent staining from ...suljettu -
Generative Artificial Intelligence Emergence in the Big 4: Impact on consultants’ stress, expectations, and challenges
(15.06.2023)This research study explores the nuanced impact of the Generative Artificial Intelligence’s emergence (GenAI) on employee stress levels, expectations, and challenges within the consulting and audit sector. The study was ...suljettu -
Genetic Polymorphisms in TLR2, TLR4, IL-10, and IL-17A: Possible Effect on Pertussis Acellular Vaccine Response
(08.08.2023)Pertussis, a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by Bordetella pertussis, is still endemic despite primary vaccination rates of 81% in 2021. Variability toward vaccination response due to genetic polymorphisms has ...suljettu -
Genetic Risk Factors for Isolated Primary Vitreous Degeneration in Italian Greyhounds
(25.08.2019)This research project aimed to identify the genetic factors causing vitreous degeneration in Italian greyhounds to improve the health of the breed and provide important new information about the disease. The condition, ...suljettu -
Genetically engineered Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a photosynthetic solid-state cell factory to improve photobiotransformation of cyclohexanone to ε-caprolactone
(27.06.2023)With an acute environmental crisis at hand, sustainable production processes are more crucial than ever. Photosynthetic solid-state cell factories offer a promising solution because photosynthetic microorganisms can take ...suljettu -
Geno1-teknologian automatisointi syöpädiagnostiikassa
(02.10.2023)Syöpään sairastuu vuosittain miljoonia ihmisiä. Taudin varhainen havaitseminen on onnistuneen hoidon kannalta ensiarvoisen tärkeää. Nestebiopsia mahdollistaa syöpämutaatioiden luotettavan tutkimisen potilaan verinäytteestä, ...suljettu -
GenomEra-virusgastroenteriittitestin kehitys noro-, rota- ja adenoviruksille
(02.05.2023)Gastroenteriitti eli mahasuolitulehdus on yksi maailmanlaajuisesti eniten sairastuvuutta ja kuolemantapauksia aiheuttavista tartuntataudeista. Vatsataudin aiheuttajana voi olla virus, bakteeri tai loiseliö, ja tartunta voi ...suljettu -
Geo-blocking : Unjustified Barrier to the Digital Single Market or Legitimate Commercial Practice?
(27.08.2018)This study examines the relationship between geo-blocking and competition law. The term geo-blocking refers to territorial restrictions that prevent consumers form accessing online content based on their territorial location. ...suljettu -
Geo-blocking of audiovisual materials in the European Single Market
(09.03.2022)Geo-blocking is a common phenomenon on the internet that restricts the access of an internet user to certain webpages and content based on the geographical location of the user. Normally the location can be tracked with ...suljettu -
Geochemical classification of mafic plutonic rocks in the Häme and Pirkanmaa belts, SW Finland
(28.05.2023)The Häme and Pirkanmaa belts are located in the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian tectonic province in SW Finland. In this study geochemical results from 59 intrusive mafic and intermediate rock samples from the Häme and ...suljettu