Vu, Ha (2018-10-09)
Vu, Ha
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¨This master’s thesis aims to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and organizational commitment (OC) in financial institutes in Vietnam. The study discovers how the level of perceived emotional intelligence and organizational commitment are constituted and how emotional intelligence predicts organizational commitment. A wide range of studies have confirmed the association between EI and OC. Nonetheless, a comprehensive research on the two significant constructs of EI and OC in the context of Vietnam is limited. Therefore, this thesis is conducted in Vietnam context only and focuses on financial institutes in particular.
The study uses quantitative research, in which data is collected via survey. Respondents are from four financial companies in Vietnam, namely Hongkong Shanghai Bank Corporate, City Bank, Prudential and Standard Chartered Bank. The survey consisted of 34 questions, in which question 1-16 are adopted from the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) (Law et al., 2004; Wong & Law, 2002) to test the level of emotional intelligence, question 17-34 pertaining to Organizational Commitment which are cited from the Organizational Commitment Scale (OCS) (Meyer & Allen, 1997). Total 174 responses were collected after six weeks. The analysis method exploit two main statistic research: descriptive statistics (or univariate analyses) and inferential statistics (Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and regression model. The finding showed that there is significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment. The result of Cronchbach’s alpha achieved at 0.86, which means the data is strongly consistent. Pearson product-moment value of correlation coefficient r between Total EI and Total OC is 0.506 together with p-value =0.000 is less than 0.05 indicates that there exists positive relationship between the two main variables. The result of regression model is also statistically significant (p-value < 0.001).
Based on the result of the study which indicates significant relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment, it opens a possibility to strengthen the organizational commitment of employees in financial institutes in Vietnam by enhancing the level emotional intelligence among employees by different course of actions such as training or consultant.
Even though there are some highlights cultivated, this research still exists some limita-tion due to self-report which may cause biased answers or resource constraint. It is sug-gested that further study should apply in larger scale and use both qualitative and quan-titative research to achieve better righteous result.
The study uses quantitative research, in which data is collected via survey. Respondents are from four financial companies in Vietnam, namely Hongkong Shanghai Bank Corporate, City Bank, Prudential and Standard Chartered Bank. The survey consisted of 34 questions, in which question 1-16 are adopted from the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) (Law et al., 2004; Wong & Law, 2002) to test the level of emotional intelligence, question 17-34 pertaining to Organizational Commitment which are cited from the Organizational Commitment Scale (OCS) (Meyer & Allen, 1997). Total 174 responses were collected after six weeks. The analysis method exploit two main statistic research: descriptive statistics (or univariate analyses) and inferential statistics (Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and regression model. The finding showed that there is significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment. The result of Cronchbach’s alpha achieved at 0.86, which means the data is strongly consistent. Pearson product-moment value of correlation coefficient r between Total EI and Total OC is 0.506 together with p-value =0.000 is less than 0.05 indicates that there exists positive relationship between the two main variables. The result of regression model is also statistically significant (p-value < 0.001).
Based on the result of the study which indicates significant relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment, it opens a possibility to strengthen the organizational commitment of employees in financial institutes in Vietnam by enhancing the level emotional intelligence among employees by different course of actions such as training or consultant.
Even though there are some highlights cultivated, this research still exists some limita-tion due to self-report which may cause biased answers or resource constraint. It is sug-gested that further study should apply in larger scale and use both qualitative and quan-titative research to achieve better righteous result.