Prenatal exposures and infant brain: Review of magnetic resonance imaging studies and a population description analysis
Pulli, Elmo (2019-02-01)
Prenatal exposures and infant brain: Review of magnetic resonance imaging studies and a population description analysis
Pulli, Elmo
Julkaisu on tekijänoikeussäännösten alainen. Teosta voi lukea ja tulostaa henkilökohtaista käyttöä varten. Käyttö kaupallisiin tarkoituksiin on kielletty.
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Brain development is most rapid during the fetal period and the first years of life. This
process can be affected by many in utero factors, such as chemical exposures and
maternal health characteristics. The goal of this review is twofold: to review the most
recent findings on the effects of these prenatal factors on the developing brain and to
qualitatively assess how those factors were generally reported in studies on infants up
to 2 years of age. To capture the latest findings in the field, we searched articles from
PubMed 2012 onward with search terms referring to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
brain development, and infancy. We identified 19 MRI studies focusing on the effects of
prenatal environment and summarized them to highlight the recent advances in the
field. We assessed population descriptions in a representative sample of 67 studies and
conclude that prenatal factors that have been shown to affect brain metrics are not
generally reported comprehensively. Based on our findings, we propose some
improvements for population descriptions to account for plausible confounders and in
time enable reliable meta‐analyses to be performed. This could help the pediatric
neuroimaging field move toward more reliable identification of biomarkers for
developmental outcomes and to better decipher the nuances of normal and abnormal
brain development.
process can be affected by many in utero factors, such as chemical exposures and
maternal health characteristics. The goal of this review is twofold: to review the most
recent findings on the effects of these prenatal factors on the developing brain and to
qualitatively assess how those factors were generally reported in studies on infants up
to 2 years of age. To capture the latest findings in the field, we searched articles from
PubMed 2012 onward with search terms referring to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
brain development, and infancy. We identified 19 MRI studies focusing on the effects of
prenatal environment and summarized them to highlight the recent advances in the
field. We assessed population descriptions in a representative sample of 67 studies and
conclude that prenatal factors that have been shown to affect brain metrics are not
generally reported comprehensively. Based on our findings, we propose some
improvements for population descriptions to account for plausible confounders and in
time enable reliable meta‐analyses to be performed. This could help the pediatric
neuroimaging field move toward more reliable identification of biomarkers for
developmental outcomes and to better decipher the nuances of normal and abnormal
brain development.