Effects of texture of baby food potatoes on the processing
Ainasoja, Ida (2019-04-23)
Effects of texture of baby food potatoes on the processing
Ainasoja, Ida
Julkaisu on tekijänoikeussäännösten alainen. Teosta voi lukea ja tulostaa henkilökohtaista käyttöä varten. Käyttö kaupallisiin tarkoituksiin on kielletty.
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The texture of the potatoes in the baby food is important because with the suitable potato cultivars for the processes the consumer expectations for right product texture can be met. Nestle Finland, Turku Factory produces baby food in glass jars for Piltti. The purpose was to find suitable potato cultivars to be used in baby food and identify key characteristics of potatoes which may have an impact on the texture of the final product.
Seven different potato cultivars were used. The cultivars were classified by their properties to green, yellow and red that are commonly associated with the potatoes for consumers. Five of the cultivars were yellow cultivars. One red and one green cultivar were used as references. The textural properties (fracture force, hardness and springiness) were analysed with the Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) method. Dry matter analysis was used to determine the dry solid content of the potato.
The differences between the cultivars were seen in the texture parameters and in the dry solid contents. Three cultivars with the highest hardness, fracture force and springiness were the most suitable cultivars for the baby food that contains particles. Potatoes absorbed more water in one day than in three days. It is caused by the diffusion in the cells. Green and most of the yellow cultivars have better properties to the baby food that contains particles. Other cultivars can be used in baby food that contains mashed potato.
Seven different potato cultivars were used. The cultivars were classified by their properties to green, yellow and red that are commonly associated with the potatoes for consumers. Five of the cultivars were yellow cultivars. One red and one green cultivar were used as references. The textural properties (fracture force, hardness and springiness) were analysed with the Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) method. Dry matter analysis was used to determine the dry solid content of the potato.
The differences between the cultivars were seen in the texture parameters and in the dry solid contents. Three cultivars with the highest hardness, fracture force and springiness were the most suitable cultivars for the baby food that contains particles. Potatoes absorbed more water in one day than in three days. It is caused by the diffusion in the cells. Green and most of the yellow cultivars have better properties to the baby food that contains particles. Other cultivars can be used in baby food that contains mashed potato.