Possible effects of Basel IV on IRBA-banks and credit availability
Isolauri, Oskari (2019-07-19)
Possible effects of Basel IV on IRBA-banks and credit availability
Isolauri, Oskari
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Banking regulation has a profound effect on all aspects of the global financial system. Regulations set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) can be stated as the most advanced and influential. This study discusses the possible effects of the Basel III post-crisis reforms, referred as Basel IV in public on IRBA banks and credit availability. The main research question in this study is: How will the Basel IV regulatory accords affect the banking operations of IBRA banks and credit availability? The main research question will be discussed also through following sub-questions:
Why is the current Basel III framework revised?
What are the main goals of the Basel IV regulations?
How does the IRB approaches work in practice?
What actions will the Basel IV reforms require from banks?
How will banks adapt to the new Basel IV regulations
The study will chronologically advance from discussion of the operations of the Basel committee and previous Basel regulations all the way to analysing the possible effects of Basel IV regulations on IRBA banks and credit availability, followed by conclusions. The theoretical framework of this study is based on literature and research discussing the Basel banking regulations set by the BCBS. Most important references are the Basel regulations themselves and documents and research published by the BCBS and the European Banking Authority (EBA). This study is conducted using a qualitative content analysis to analyse the possible effects of Basel IV regulations on IRBA banks and credit availability. Based on the findings in this study the implementation will have significant effects on banking operations through a number of regulatory changes. The actual effects on credit availability remain speculative with a varying level of change in credit availability between different exposure classes, as the timeline of implementation for the Basel IV regulations is between 2022-2027. There- fore further research is needed during or after the implementation of the Basel IV regulations.
Why is the current Basel III framework revised?
What are the main goals of the Basel IV regulations?
How does the IRB approaches work in practice?
What actions will the Basel IV reforms require from banks?
How will banks adapt to the new Basel IV regulations
The study will chronologically advance from discussion of the operations of the Basel committee and previous Basel regulations all the way to analysing the possible effects of Basel IV regulations on IRBA banks and credit availability, followed by conclusions. The theoretical framework of this study is based on literature and research discussing the Basel banking regulations set by the BCBS. Most important references are the Basel regulations themselves and documents and research published by the BCBS and the European Banking Authority (EBA). This study is conducted using a qualitative content analysis to analyse the possible effects of Basel IV regulations on IRBA banks and credit availability. Based on the findings in this study the implementation will have significant effects on banking operations through a number of regulatory changes. The actual effects on credit availability remain speculative with a varying level of change in credit availability between different exposure classes, as the timeline of implementation for the Basel IV regulations is between 2022-2027. There- fore further research is needed during or after the implementation of the Basel IV regulations.