Firmware Development of a LoRaWAN Multi-Sensor Generic Node : an Industrial IoT Empirical Study
Mohamed, Ahmed (2019-09-12)
Firmware Development of a LoRaWAN Multi-Sensor Generic Node : an Industrial IoT Empirical Study
Mohamed, Ahmed
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Connectivity is the defining property of the Internet of Things (IoT). Multiple technologies and techniques allow embedded devices to transmit and receive data. The intersection between connectivity demands, physical and environmental limitations is what triggers the use of a specific technology. Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) wireless communication technologies such as LoRa and LoRaWAN are showing practicality and ease of the use in the field of IoT. LoRa modulation ability to provide devices with longer communication ranges make it an attractive choice in multiple IoT use cases. The energy efficiency and scalability aspects of LoRaWAN protocol trigger the research curiosity around the challenges and opportunities of using the technology.
In this study, we provide an extensive overview of the firmware development of an industrial LoRaWAN device. An empirical analysis of the device capabilities provides a deeper understanding of the technology potential and the possible areas of improvements. Energy-efficient firmware design practices are explored, analysed and implemented to provide a foundation for future developments in the field. Furthermore, we propose and evaluate a new LoRaWAN application design that explores over the air firmware configuration in runtime a novel micro update scheme. We devise a simple LoRaWAN energy estimation model and apply it to the proposed application. The same model is used to get an indication of LoRaWAN firmware updates over the air (FUOTA) practicality. The applied model highlighted useful energy optimisation techniques for an improved LoRaWAN firmware development.
In this study, we provide an extensive overview of the firmware development of an industrial LoRaWAN device. An empirical analysis of the device capabilities provides a deeper understanding of the technology potential and the possible areas of improvements. Energy-efficient firmware design practices are explored, analysed and implemented to provide a foundation for future developments in the field. Furthermore, we propose and evaluate a new LoRaWAN application design that explores over the air firmware configuration in runtime a novel micro update scheme. We devise a simple LoRaWAN energy estimation model and apply it to the proposed application. The same model is used to get an indication of LoRaWAN firmware updates over the air (FUOTA) practicality. The applied model highlighted useful energy optimisation techniques for an improved LoRaWAN firmware development.