Foppa, Tabea (2019-10-31)
Foppa, Tabea
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The advancements of digital technologies changed the way companies in the business-to-business (B2B) market interact with each other (Scherer, Wuenderlich & Von Wangenheim, 2015; Vendrell-Herrero, Bustinza, Parry & Georgantzis, 2017). Companies transfer their stored information (digitization), as well as their working processes (digitalization), from analog into digital form leading to transformations of their business models (Chesbrough, 2010; Davis, 2001; Gruenigen, 2014; Legner et al., 2017; Negroponte, 1995; Vogelsang, 2010). The transformation of the value chain due to the developments of information technology leads to a change of the provided products and services itself (Cusumano, Kahl & Suarez, 2015; Henderson & Venkatraman, 1999; Henfridsson & Bygstad, 2013). Especially services are gaining importance within the product portfolios (Barrett, Davidson, Prabhu & Vargo, 2015; Bruhn & Braun, 2016; Cusumano et al., 2015). A service is defined in this investigation (see chapter 2.2.1) as an action performed by a human, a computer or through the interaction of both, directly or indirectly, for the sake of a customer. The transformations of the services impact finally the customer’s position in the value delivery towards being more autonomous, self-determined and participative (Chan, Yim,& Lam, 2010; Witell, Kristensson, Gustafsson & Loefgren, 2011). B2B-interactions historically rely on their relational character which is formed by personal exchange and interaction (Dyer & Singh, 1998; Rauyruen & Miller, 2007). This arrangement is challenged due to the digitalization of the service delivery, in particular at the service encounter. Process automation, such as the replacement of humans by machines, increases the automation and standardization level of the service and reduces personal interaction between the service provider and the service beneficiary. Consequently the intensity of the relationship decreases as well (Leimeister, 2012). B2B-relationships are thus determined more than ever by the customer and require the service providers to focus on the customer’s needs (Bruhn & Braun, 2016; Rauyruen & Miller, 2007).
The main goal of this research is to determine success factors for the digitization of services in the B2B-sector and to deduce recommendations for action. This research investigates the effects of the digitalization on the provision of services providers in the B2B-sector with a special focus on the service encounter, the so-called moment of truth in service provision (Carlzon, 1987), respectively the impacts on the conception of services in general and the position of the customer in the value chain. Therefore, the success factors will describe two main areas: the conceptualization of successful digital services and behavioral implications for organizations to cope with the challenges of digital transformation. Furthermore, the research investigates how companies can prepare themselves to cope with future challenges induced by digitalization, and eventually presents recommendations for actions.
The study is of high relevance due to the fact that the profound changes induced by the advancements of digital technology change the ways organizational entities interact with and deliver value for each other (Bounfour, 2016; Iansiti & Lakhani, 2014; Majchrzak, Markus & Wareham, 2016; Matt, Hess & Benlilan, 2015; Neumeier, Wolf & Oesterle, 2017; Scherer et al., 2015; Vargo, Maglio & Akaka, 2008). Many entrepreneurs face the challenge of using the advantages of digital technologies to lead their company to success (Gimpel, Hosseini, Huber, Probst, Roeglinger & Faisst, 2018; Hess, Matt, Benlian & Wiesboeck, 2016). This investigation focuses on the specific aspects and requirements digitalizing companies are confronted with and how they can lead their digital transformation in their company to be a success. The implications of digital transformation are yet scarcely researched, as there is no general success framework (Gimpel et al., 2018; Hess et al., 2016). Hence, a respective framework will be developed in this investigation. This study is a contribution to research putting the B2B-service sector in the center of attention. The B2B-service sector is regarded to experience relational, organizational and processual changes due to an increment of digitalized processes (Barrett et al., 2015; Bruhn & Braun, 2016; Leimeister, 2012). An aim of the research is to open the eyes for the specialties of service digitalization in the B2B-sector and to provide entrepreneurs a guideline to drive their business to be a success.
The sequent pages are structured as follows: First, research concerning the success factor analysis in a service digitalization context will be presented and analyzed, followed by a description of the methodology chosen for this research. Moreover, expert interviews will be included. The research process will describe the selection of the interviewees and the conception of the interview guideline. For the development of the interview guideline various frameworks from the context of business model conception and digital transformation will be analyzed to eventually consolidate them to a new framework, which forms the basis for the conception of the interview guideline. The interviews will be hold with project managers involved in the digitalization process in a digitalizing company. The companies they work for are providers of services in the B2B-sector. The experts are recruited from service delivering companies which have digitalized their services or parts of it. By this means, a B2B-context is ensured. After their conduction, the interviews will be evaluated and analyzed accordingly. A major focus will be put on the transformation of the interaction between service provider and service customer. The final goal is to deduct success factors for the digitalization of services and to develop recommendations for action, that address companies which wish to digitalize their services. The focus lays on services with companies in the roles of service providers as well as service customers (business-to-business-sector). The research is conducted in cooperation with Campana & Schott GmbH.
The main goal of this research is to determine success factors for the digitization of services in the B2B-sector and to deduce recommendations for action. This research investigates the effects of the digitalization on the provision of services providers in the B2B-sector with a special focus on the service encounter, the so-called moment of truth in service provision (Carlzon, 1987), respectively the impacts on the conception of services in general and the position of the customer in the value chain. Therefore, the success factors will describe two main areas: the conceptualization of successful digital services and behavioral implications for organizations to cope with the challenges of digital transformation. Furthermore, the research investigates how companies can prepare themselves to cope with future challenges induced by digitalization, and eventually presents recommendations for actions.
The study is of high relevance due to the fact that the profound changes induced by the advancements of digital technology change the ways organizational entities interact with and deliver value for each other (Bounfour, 2016; Iansiti & Lakhani, 2014; Majchrzak, Markus & Wareham, 2016; Matt, Hess & Benlilan, 2015; Neumeier, Wolf & Oesterle, 2017; Scherer et al., 2015; Vargo, Maglio & Akaka, 2008). Many entrepreneurs face the challenge of using the advantages of digital technologies to lead their company to success (Gimpel, Hosseini, Huber, Probst, Roeglinger & Faisst, 2018; Hess, Matt, Benlian & Wiesboeck, 2016). This investigation focuses on the specific aspects and requirements digitalizing companies are confronted with and how they can lead their digital transformation in their company to be a success. The implications of digital transformation are yet scarcely researched, as there is no general success framework (Gimpel et al., 2018; Hess et al., 2016). Hence, a respective framework will be developed in this investigation. This study is a contribution to research putting the B2B-service sector in the center of attention. The B2B-service sector is regarded to experience relational, organizational and processual changes due to an increment of digitalized processes (Barrett et al., 2015; Bruhn & Braun, 2016; Leimeister, 2012). An aim of the research is to open the eyes for the specialties of service digitalization in the B2B-sector and to provide entrepreneurs a guideline to drive their business to be a success.
The sequent pages are structured as follows: First, research concerning the success factor analysis in a service digitalization context will be presented and analyzed, followed by a description of the methodology chosen for this research. Moreover, expert interviews will be included. The research process will describe the selection of the interviewees and the conception of the interview guideline. For the development of the interview guideline various frameworks from the context of business model conception and digital transformation will be analyzed to eventually consolidate them to a new framework, which forms the basis for the conception of the interview guideline. The interviews will be hold with project managers involved in the digitalization process in a digitalizing company. The companies they work for are providers of services in the B2B-sector. The experts are recruited from service delivering companies which have digitalized their services or parts of it. By this means, a B2B-context is ensured. After their conduction, the interviews will be evaluated and analyzed accordingly. A major focus will be put on the transformation of the interaction between service provider and service customer. The final goal is to deduct success factors for the digitalization of services and to develop recommendations for action, that address companies which wish to digitalize their services. The focus lays on services with companies in the roles of service providers as well as service customers (business-to-business-sector). The research is conducted in cooperation with Campana & Schott GmbH.