Intention to Use of Customers for Payment Service by Third-Party Payment Service Providers : Comparing the Situations in China and the Netherlands
Guo, Yonghui (2020-09-08)
Intention to Use of Customers for Payment Service by Third-Party Payment Service Providers : Comparing the Situations in China and the Netherlands
Guo, Yonghui
Julkaisu on tekijänoikeussäännösten alainen. Teosta voi lukea ja tulostaa henkilökohtaista käyttöä varten. Käyttö kaupallisiin tarkoituksiin on kielletty.
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Recently, the data become an attractive topic in the business field. According to a report, the amount of data created during 2015 and 2016 occupied 90% of the total data and the data created each year is predicted to rise to 44 zettabytes by 2025. Meanwhile, the third-party mobile payment becomes more and more popular in different countries. It raises concerns about the regulation and other issues regarding payment. This paper is to analyse the users of third-party payment in China and the Netherlands and studies the factors that effect the intention to use of the payment services.