Security in DevOps: understanding the most efficient way to integrate security in the agile software development process
Schicchi, Mirko (2020-10-16)
Security in DevOps: understanding the most efficient way to integrate security in the agile software development process
Schicchi, Mirko
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Modern development methodologies follow a fast and dynamic pace, which gives great attention to customers’ satisfaction in the delivery of new releases. On the other hand, the work pursued to secure a system, if not adapted to the new development trend, can risk to slow down the delivery of new software and the adaptability typical for an Agile environment.
Therefore, it is paramount to think about a new way to integrate security into the development framework, in order to secure the software in the best way without slowing down the pace of the developers. Moreover, the implementation of automatic and repeatable security controls inside the development pipeline can help to catch the presence of vulnerabilities as early as possible, thus reducing costs, comparing to solving the issues at later stages.
The thesis presents a series of recommendations on how to best deploy a so called DevSecOps approach and applies the theory to the use case of Awake.AI, a Finnish startup company focusing its business on the maritime industry. It is not always easy and feasible to practically apply all the suggestions presented in the literature to a real case scenario, but rather the recommendations need to be adapted and forged in a way that best suits the situation and the current target.
It is undeniable that the presence of a strong and efficient secure development framework can give substantial advantage to the success of a company. In fact, not only it makes sure that the delivery of good quality code to the customers is not slowed down, but it also dramatically reduces the risk of incurring in expensive security incidents. Lastly, it is valuable to also mention that, being able to show a clean and efficient approach to security, the framework improves the reputation and trustfulness of the company under the eyes of the customers.
Therefore, it is paramount to think about a new way to integrate security into the development framework, in order to secure the software in the best way without slowing down the pace of the developers. Moreover, the implementation of automatic and repeatable security controls inside the development pipeline can help to catch the presence of vulnerabilities as early as possible, thus reducing costs, comparing to solving the issues at later stages.
The thesis presents a series of recommendations on how to best deploy a so called DevSecOps approach and applies the theory to the use case of Awake.AI, a Finnish startup company focusing its business on the maritime industry. It is not always easy and feasible to practically apply all the suggestions presented in the literature to a real case scenario, but rather the recommendations need to be adapted and forged in a way that best suits the situation and the current target.
It is undeniable that the presence of a strong and efficient secure development framework can give substantial advantage to the success of a company. In fact, not only it makes sure that the delivery of good quality code to the customers is not slowed down, but it also dramatically reduces the risk of incurring in expensive security incidents. Lastly, it is valuable to also mention that, being able to show a clean and efficient approach to security, the framework improves the reputation and trustfulness of the company under the eyes of the customers.