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Pregnancy-Induced Changes in microRNA Expression in Multiple Sclerosis
Pregnancy affects the disease course in multiple sclerosis (MS), particularly in the third trimester, where the relapse rate is reduced by as much as two thirds. This study aimed at identifying changes in microRNA (miRNA) ...
Scandinavian guidelines for initial management of minor and moderate head trauma in children
<h3>Abstract</h3><div><h4>BACKGROUND: </h4><p>The management of minor and moderate head trauma in children differs widely between countries. Presently, there are no existing guidelines for management of these children in ...
Extension of Public Smoking Ban Was Not Associated with Any Immediate Effect on Stroke Occurrence in Finland
We investigated the association between the widening of a nationwide restaurant smoking ban, enacted on 1 June 2007, and stroke admissions. All acute stroke admissions between 1 May 2005 and 30 June 2009 were retrieved ...