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Burden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection During the First Year of Life
<p>Although many infants with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection are hospitalized, most infants are treated as outpatients. Limited data are available on the burden of RSV in outpatient infants.<br></p><p>In a ...
Huippu-urheilijan hengitystieinfektiot ja niiden haitat
Kova fyysinen ja psyykkinen rasitus voi heikentää elimistön puolustusmekanismeja useilla tavoilla. Kilpailut, matkustaminen, yhteismajoitus, ihmisjoukot sekä uni- ja energiavaje lisäävät urheilijan alttiutta sairastua ...
Survey of viral reactivations in elite athletes: A case-control study
<p>Exercise-induced immune perturbations have been proposed to increase susceptibility to viral infections. We investigated the replication of persisting viruses as indicators of immune function in elite cross-country ...
Inflammatory Biomarkers in Elite Cross-Country Skiers After a Competition Season: A Case–Control Study
<p>Purpose<br>Whether elite athletes, who have been exposed to vigorous-intensity exercise combined with other stressors, have elevated systemic low-grade inflammation, remains largely unclear. To address this question, ...
Increased risk of respiratory viral infections in elite athletes: A controlled study
<p>Background</p><p>Respiratory symptoms are commonly recognised in elite athletes. The occurrence, etiology and clinical presentation of the illnesses in athletes is unclear.</p><p>Methods</p><p>We performed a prospective ...
Respiratory Viral Infections in Athletes: Many Unanswered Questions
Upper respiratory tract infections ("common cold") are the most common acute illnesses in elite athletes. Numerous studies on exercise immunology have proposed that intense exercise may increase susceptibility to respiratory ...
Gut Microbiota and Serum Metabolome in Elite Cross-Country Skiers: A Controlled Study
Exercise has been shown to affect gut the microbiome and metabolic health, with athletes typically displaying a higher microbial diversity. However, research on the gut microbiota and systemic metabolism in elite athletes ...
Prevalence of respiratory viruses and antiviral MxA responses in children with febrile urinary tract infection
Blood myxovirus resistance protein A (MxA) has broad antiviral activity, and it is a potential biomarker for symptomatic virus infections. Limited data is available of MxA in coinciding viral and bacterial infections. We ...