Aineistot 1-3 / 3
Effects of the Close Collaboration with Parents intervention on the quality of family-centered care in NICUs
<p><strong>Background: </strong>Systematic training for the neonatal staff to support parents' active involvement is lacking. There is little information about the effectiveness of educational interventions.</p><p><stron ...
Vanhempien osallistamisesta hyötyä vastasyntyneen sairaalahoitoon
Vauvat ovat saamassa oikeuden vanhemman läsnäoloon.
Fewer maternal depression symptoms after the Close Collaboration with Parents intervention: Two-year follow-up
<p><strong>Aim: </strong>To test whether the implementation of the Close Collaboration with Parents intervention at a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) decreases depression symptoms of mothers up to two years after the ...