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Achievement of the Targets of the 20-Year Infancy-Onset Dietary Intervention-Association with Metabolic Profile from Childhood to Adulthood
The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP) is a prospective infancy-onset randomized dietary intervention trial targeting dietary fat quality and cholesterol intake, and favoring consumption of ...
Life-course leisure-time physical activity trajectories in relation to health-related behaviors in adulthood: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study
BackgroundEvidence on whether leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) facilitates individuals' adoption of multiple healthy behaviors remains scarce. This study investigated the associations of diverse longitudinal LTPA ...
Weight gain in infancy and markers of cardiometabolic health in young adulthood
Aim We studied whether repeatedly measured weight gain from birth up to age 2 years associated with cardiometabolic health in young adulthood. Methods Using the data collected in the longitudinal Special Turku Coronary ...
Economic burden of low physical activity and high sedentary behaviour in Finland
<p><strong>Background</strong> Low physical activity and high sedentary behaviour are unquestionably relevant for public health while also increasing direct and indirect costs.</p><p><strong>Methods</strong> The authors ...
Uncovering the shared lipidomic markers of subclinical osteoporosis-atherosclerosis comorbidity: The Young Finns Study
<p>Background: Osteoporosis and atherosclerosis are complex multifactorial diseases sharing common risk factors and pathophysiological mechanisms suggesting that these are comorbidities. Omics studies identifying joint ...
Easy-to-use tool for evaluating the elevated acute kidney injury risk against reduced cardiovascular disease risk during intensive blood pressure control
<h3>Objective: </h3><p>The Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) reported that lowering SBP to below 120 mmHg (intensive treatment) reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality among adults with hypertension but ...
Systematic evaluation of the association between hemoglobin levels and metabolic profile implicates beneficial effects of hypoxia
Activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway reprograms energy metabolism. Hemoglobin (Hb) is the main carrier of oxygen. Using its normal variation as a surrogate measure for hypoxia, we explored whether lower ...
Carotid artery longitudinal wall motion alterations associated with metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance
Background and aims: Our objective was to study relationships between the new biomarker of vascular health, carotid artery longitudinal wall motion (CALM) and metabolic syndrome (MetS).<div><br></div><div>Methods: Carotid ...
Effects of Randomized Controlled Infancy-Onset Dietary Intervention on Leukocyte Telomere Length - The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP)
Reduced telomere length (TL) is a biological marker of aging. A high inter-individual variation in TL exists already in childhood, which is partly explained by genetics, but also by lifestyle factors. We examined the ...
Fatty liver index predicts incident risk of prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Aims To investigate the association between overweight/obesity and fatty liver index (FLI) on the odds of incident prediabetes/type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in 2020 participants after 10 ...