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Slovenian nurses’ research utilization competence and received support from nurse managers
<p>Introduction. Research utilization is the core of evidence-based practice. Nurse managers have an important role to support competence management and research utilization in nursing care.</p><p>Aim. The aim of the study ...
The development and testing of the C/WoundComp instrument for assessing chronic wound‐care competence in student nurses and podiatrists
The purpose of this study was to describe the level of chronic wound-care competence among graduating student nurses and student podiatrists in comparison with that of professionals and to develop and test a new instrument ...
The association of diabetes-related self-care activities with perceived stress, anxiety, and fatigue: a cross-sectional study
Purpose: Many people with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) do not sustain sufficient diabetes-related self-care activities (DRSCA) in their daily lives. To provide additional information about the positive influence of DRSCA, this ...
Nursing student‐patient relationship and related factors – A self‐assessment by nursing students
<p>Aims and objectives<br>To describe the nursing student–patient relationship in terms of three types of relationships—mechanistic, authoritative and facilitative—and analyse the factors related to the type of ...
Elements explaining learning clinical reasoning using simulation games
<p>This article presents the findings on which elements in a game-based simulation affect learning clinical reasoning in nursing education. By using engaging gaming elements in virtual simulations and integrating the ...
Polish and Finnish nursing students’ attitudes, knowledge and skills related to research utilisation
<p>Introduction:<br />Evidence-based practice and research utilisation at its core are essential for high quality patient care. In this study, research utilization is defined as a process involving acquisition, critical ...
Skills and practices of European orthopedic nurses in empowering patient education
<p><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study provides an overview of the self-defined skills and practices of European orthopedic nurses in empowering patient education. Nurses themselves have highlighted the necessity to enhance ...