Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa 1. Kirjat ja opinnäytteet

Aineistot 3311-3330 / 12177

      Gedichtanalyse, Helena Sinervo, Symbole, Übersetzung [1]
      geeni, RNA-polymeraasi, RNA, DNA, transkriptio, peruuttaminen [1]
      geenit, perimä, verenpainetauti [1]
      Geenivirhe, ektodermi, ihosairaus, kudosnäyte, rakkulatauti, suun limakalvo [1]
      Gelatin Methacryloyl, quality control, synthesis, dialysis, freeze-drying, degree of substitution [1]
      gender awareness, gender in education, teacher education, interview, survey, gender sensitivity, gender non-conforming, heteronormativity [1]
      gender equality, feminism, radical feminism, anti-feminism, postfeminism, backlash [1]
      Gender equality, human resource management, Japan [1]
      gender performativity, gender binary, rock lyrics, Lou Reed [1]
      gender pronouns, gender identity, Chinese pronouns, sociolinguistics [1]
      gender studies, feminist studies, reproductive politics, reproductive decision, fertility, population decline, governmentality, biopolitics, negotiation, neoliberalism, Japanese welfare system, Japanese family ideology, gender roles, motherhood, ideal life paths, life decision, young women, Japan, East Asia [1]
      Gender, Gender Discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis, News Writing, Politicians, Corpus Linguistics, Systemic Functional Linguistics [1]
      Gene Expression [1]
      Gene Expression Regulation [1]
      geneettinen algoritmi, kysyntäjousto, ennustemallit, kaukolämpö, malliprediktiivinen ohjaus [1]
      geneettinen solulinjakartoitus, dorsaalinen raphe-tumake, GABA, serotoniini [1]
      General citizens, Health professionals, Healthcare, Satisfaction, European countries [1]
      General Data Protection Regulation, data protection, fundamental rights, mergers and acquisitions, international trade [1]
      General Data Protection Regulation, data protection, the right to erasure, blockchain technology, blockchain. [1]
      General Data Protection Regulation, Informed Consent, Broad Consent, Biomedical Research, Biobank Research [1]