Coolest Student Papers at Finland Futures Research Centre 2016–2017 : Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskuksen valittuja opiskelijatöitä 2016–2017
Tapio, Petri (ed.); Aalto, Hanna-Kaisa (ed.); Höyssä, Maria (ed.); Minkkinen, Matti (ed.); Siivonen, Katriina (ed.); Wilenius, Markku (ed.); Arvonen, Anne (ed.) (2019-05-21)
Coolest Student Papers at Finland Futures Research Centre 2016–2017 : Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskuksen valittuja opiskelijatöitä 2016–2017
Tapio, Petri (ed.)
Aalto, Hanna-Kaisa (ed.)
Höyssä, Maria (ed.)
Minkkinen, Matti (ed.)
Siivonen, Katriina (ed.)
Wilenius, Markku (ed.)
Arvonen, Anne (ed.)
Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu
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This is the second volume of our Coolest Student Papers series which was launched last year. The collection publishes inspired and inspiring picks from the student essays written by students and student groups in the courses organised by Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC). The topics range from sustainability issues to corporate foresight, from ethics to methodology, from artificial intelligence to futures consciousness. Some of the essays take a critical stance to projects that have been carried out at the FFRC, which is something we especially wish to support. Independent, constructively critical open deliberation of how futures studies should be carried out is one of the core goals of our education and a key to further development of the courses and the whole field of futures studies.
The volume is divided to sections by the course. Each section begins with an evaluation made by the teacher after which the student essay(s) follow(s). The essays of the courses studied in Finnish language are at the end of the volume. The essays are from the international Master’s Degree Programme of Futures Studies, the Sustainable Development minor and Futures Studies minor offered in Finnish language. Our PhD programme essays are excluded as we expect postgraduates to aim directly at journal articles.
The volume is divided to sections by the course. Each section begins with an evaluation made by the teacher after which the student essay(s) follow(s). The essays of the courses studied in Finnish language are at the end of the volume. The essays are from the international Master’s Degree Programme of Futures Studies, the Sustainable Development minor and Futures Studies minor offered in Finnish language. Our PhD programme essays are excluded as we expect postgraduates to aim directly at journal articles.
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