Aineistot 1-10 / 382
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor- and chemotherapy-induced large-vessel vasculitis: six patient cases and a systematic literature review
<div>Patients receiving chemotherapy are prone to neutropoenic infections, presenting with non-specific symptoms such as a high fever and elevated inflammatory parameters. Large-vessel vasculitis (LVV) may have a similar ...
Biomarkers of kidney function and prediction of death from cardiovascular and other causes in the elderly: A 9-year follow-up study
Background: Cystatin C is claimed to be superior to creatinine-based estimates of glomerular filtration rate (eGFRcr). The purpose of the study is to analyze whether cystatin C, creatinine, and/or estimated glomerular ...
Lääketieteen opiskelijoiden työelämälähtöinen näkemys perusopetuksen kehityskohteista : entistäkin parempia kesäkandeja
Lääketieteen perusopetuksen tärkeä tavoite on antaa opiskelijalle hyvät käytännön valmiudet toimia lääkärin tehtävissä. Suurin osa ylimpien vuosikurssien opiskelijoista työskentelee kesäaikana lääkärinä. Pyysimme kesätöissä ...
Tonsillar transcriptional profiles in atopic and non-atopic subjects
<p>Background <br></p><p>Emerging research suggests that local lymphatic tissue such as tonsils have important role in regulating the immune responses. However, allergen sensitization-induced alterations in transcriptome ...
Pim-selective inhibitor DHPCC-9 reveals Pim kinases as potent stimulators of cancer cell migration and invasion
Conclusions: Altogether, our data indicate that DHPCC-9 is not only a powerful tool to investigate physiological effects of the oncogenic Pim family kinases, but also an attractive molecule for drug development to inhibit ...
Atopic asthma after rhinovirus-induced wheezing is associated with DNA methylation change in the SMAD3 gene promoter
<p>Children with rhinovirus-induced severe early wheezing have an increased risk of developing asthma later in life. The exact molecular mechanisms for this association are still mostly unknown. To identify potential changes ...
Sarjamagneettistimulaatio kivun ja neurologisten sairauksien hoidossa
<p>• Aivojen sarjamagneettistimulaatio (rTMS) on kajoamaton neuromodulaatiohoito, jolla ei ole turvasuosituksia noudatettaessa vakavia haittavaikutuksia.</p><p>• Eurooppalaisessa näytönastekatsauksessa rTMS on arvioitu ...
The Mode-of-Action of Targeted Alpha Therapy Radium-223 as an Enabler for Novel Combinations to Treat Patients with Bone Metastasis
Bone metastasis is a common clinical complication in several cancer types, and it causes a severe reduction in quality of life as well as lowering survival time. Bone metastases proceed through a vicious self-reinforcing ...