Aineistot 1-10 / 20
Mitochondrial genome-wide analysis of nuclear DNA methylation quantitative trait loci
<p>Mitochondria have a complex communication network with the surrounding cell and can alter nuclear DNA methylation (DNAm). Variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has also been linked to differential DNAm. Genome-wide ...
BMI is positively associated with accelerated epigenetic aging in twin pairs discordant for body mass index
<p>Background <br>Obesity is a heritable complex phenotype that can increase the risk of age-related outcomes. Biological age can be estimated from DNA methylation (DNAm) using various "epigenetic clocks." Previous work ...
Long-term tracking and population characteristics of lipoprotein (a) in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study
<p>Background and aims</p><p>Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) is a causal risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and its levels are under strict genetic control. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the concentration of Lp(a) remains ...
Body-mass index trajectories from childhood to mid-adulthood and their sociodemographic predictors: Evidence from the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort (i3C) Consortium
<p>Background<br>Understanding lifecourse trajectories of body-mass index (BMI) is important for identifying groups at high risk of poor health and potential target points for intervention. This study aimed to describe BMI ...
Sydän- ja verisuonitautien ehkäisy kannattaa aloittaa jo vauvasta - STRIP-tutkimus näyttää miksi ja miten
Satunnaistetussa STRIP-tutkimuksessa 562 tervettä lasta sai tyydyttyneen rasvan saannin vähentämiseen tähtäävää ravitsemusneuvontaa kahdeksan kuukauden iästä alkaen 20 vuoden ikään asti, ja 545 saman ikäistä lasta seurattiin ...
Does better education mitigate risky health behavior? A mendelian randomization study
<p><br></p><p>Education and risky health behaviors are strongly negatively correlated. Education may affect health behaviors by enabling healthier choices through higher disposable income, increasing information about the ...
An Infancy-Onset 20-Year Dietary Counselling Intervention and Gut Microbiota Composition in Adulthood
The randomized controlled Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP) has completed a 20-year infancy-onset dietary counselling intervention to reduce exposure to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ...
Inframe insertion and splice site variants in MFGE8 associate with protection against coronary atherosclerosis
<p>A genome-wide association study identifies MFGE8 as protective against coronary atherosclerosis in European and East Asian populations.Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of premature death and disability ...
Multi-Omics Integration in a Twin Cohort and Predictive Modeling of Blood Pressure Values
Abnormal blood pressure is strongly associated with risk of high-prevalence diseases, making the study of blood pressure a major public health challenge. Although biological mechanisms underlying hypertension at the single ...
Magical thinking in individuals with high polygenic risk for schizophrenia but no non-affective psychoses-a general population study
A strong genetic background for psychoses is well-established. Most individuals with a high genetic risk for schizophrenia, however, do not develop the disorder. We investigated whether individuals, who have a high genetic ...