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Mitochondrial genome-wide analysis of nuclear DNA methylation quantitative trait loci
<p>Mitochondria have a complex communication network with the surrounding cell and can alter nuclear DNA methylation (DNAm). Variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has also been linked to differential DNAm. Genome-wide ...
Compassion protects against vital exhaustion and negative emotionality
We investigated (i) the predictive relationships of compassion with negative emotionality (a marker of susceptibility to stress) and vital exhaustion (a marker of chronic stress response) and (ii) the effect of compassion ...
BMI is positively associated with accelerated epigenetic aging in twin pairs discordant for body mass index
<p>Background <br>Obesity is a heritable complex phenotype that can increase the risk of age-related outcomes. Biological age can be estimated from DNA methylation (DNAm) using various "epigenetic clocks." Previous work ...
DNA methylation signatures of aggression and closely related constructs: A meta-analysis of epigenome-wide studies across the lifespan
<p>DNA methylation profiles of aggressive behavior may capture lifetime cumulative effects of genetic, stochastic, and environmental influences associated with aggression. Here, we report the first large meta-analysis of epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) of aggressive behavior (N = 15,324 participants). In peripheral blood samples of 14,434 participants from 18 cohorts with mean ages ranging from 7 to 68 years, 13 methylation sites were significantly associated with aggression (alpha = 1.2 × 10<sup>-7</sup>; Bonferroni correction). In cord blood samples of 2425 children from five cohorts with aggression assessed at mean ages ranging from 4 to 7 years, 83% of these sites showed the same direction of association with childhood aggression (r = 0.74, p = 0.006) but no epigenome-wide significant sites were found. Top-sites (48 at a false discovery rate of 5% in the peripheral blood meta-analysis or in a combined meta-analysis of peripheral blood and cord blood) have been associated with chemical exposures, smoking, cognition, metabolic traits, and genetic variation (mQTLs). Three genes whose expression levels were associated with top-sites were previously linked to schizophrenia and general risk tolerance. At six CpGs, DNA methylation variation in blood mirrors variation in the brain. On average 44% (range = 3-82%) of the aggression-methylation association was explained by current and former smoking and BMI. These findings point at loci that are sensitive to chemical exposures with potential implications for neuronal functions. We hope these results to be a starting point for studies leading to applications as peripheral biomarkers and to reveal causal relationships with aggression and related traits.</p>...
Evolution of genetic networks for human creativity
The genetic basis for the emergence of creativity in modern humans remains a mystery despite sequencing the genomes of chimpanzees and Neanderthals, our closest hominid relatives. Data-driven methods allowed us to uncover ...
Long-term tracking and population characteristics of lipoprotein (a) in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study
<p>Background and aims</p><p>Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) is a causal risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and its levels are under strict genetic control. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the concentration of Lp(a) remains ...
Body-mass index trajectories from childhood to mid-adulthood and their sociodemographic predictors: Evidence from the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort (i3C) Consortium
<p>Background<br>Understanding lifecourse trajectories of body-mass index (BMI) is important for identifying groups at high risk of poor health and potential target points for intervention. This study aimed to describe BMI ...
Sydän- ja verisuonitautien ehkäisy kannattaa aloittaa jo vauvasta - STRIP-tutkimus näyttää miksi ja miten
Satunnaistetussa STRIP-tutkimuksessa 562 tervettä lasta sai tyydyttyneen rasvan saannin vähentämiseen tähtäävää ravitsemusneuvontaa kahdeksan kuukauden iästä alkaen 20 vuoden ikään asti, ja 545 saman ikäistä lasta seurattiin ...
Does better education mitigate risky health behavior? A mendelian randomization study
<p><br></p><p>Education and risky health behaviors are strongly negatively correlated. Education may affect health behaviors by enabling healthier choices through higher disposable income, increasing information about the ...
Birth weight and adult income: An examination of mediation through adult height and body mass
This paper examines the causal links between early human endowments and socioeconomic outcomes in adulthood. We use a genotyped longitudinal survey (Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study) that is linked to the administrative ...