How to write a PhD with peer support: Follow this model, and the introduction to your article-based dissertation will (almost) write itself
Saarikkomäki, Elsa; Ollus, Natalia (2023)
How to write a PhD with peer support: Follow this model, and the introduction to your article-based dissertation will (almost) write itself
Saarikkomäki, Elsa
Ollus, Natalia
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This article is originally published in: Saarikkomäki, Elsa & Ollus, Natalia (2018). Vertaistuella tohtoriksi: tällä mallilla artikkeliväitöskirjan yhteenveto syntyy (melkein) kuin itsestään. University Pedagogy Journal. Link:
The article was originally written in Finnish for the Finnish context, where article-based PhDs are increasingly common. This is also why much of the referenced literature is Finnish. The article was published in 2018, so practices may have changed, but we believe that the core ideas about peer support remain valid. Our sincere thanks to Janna Tuominen for translating the original text into English.
TAGS: article dissertation, working method, university, dissertation, peer support, interaction, cooperative learning
IN THIS article, we launch a method which we have developed for writing the summary/introduction section of an article-based dissertation. The article presents a concrete model, which includes instructions for fourteen peer meetings. The model is based on our own experiences writing the summaries of our article-based dissertations. We emphasize the benefits of peer support for the writing process, and the article seeks to inspire collaboration in the process of writing a paper. The article is aimed at doctoral researchers, supervisors and persons interested in the development of university education.
The article was originally written in Finnish for the Finnish context, where article-based PhDs are increasingly common. This is also why much of the referenced literature is Finnish. The article was published in 2018, so practices may have changed, but we believe that the core ideas about peer support remain valid. Our sincere thanks to Janna Tuominen for translating the original text into English.
TAGS: article dissertation, working method, university, dissertation, peer support, interaction, cooperative learning
IN THIS article, we launch a method which we have developed for writing the summary/introduction section of an article-based dissertation. The article presents a concrete model, which includes instructions for fourteen peer meetings. The model is based on our own experiences writing the summaries of our article-based dissertations. We emphasize the benefits of peer support for the writing process, and the article seeks to inspire collaboration in the process of writing a paper. The article is aimed at doctoral researchers, supervisors and persons interested in the development of university education.
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