Selaus laitoksen mukaan kokoelmassa 1. Kirjat ja opinnäytteetKone- ja materiaalitekniikan laitos

    • 3D-tulostuksen hyödyntäminen aurinkokennojen valmistuksessa 

      Koistinen, Tatu (24.05.2024)
      Aurinkoenergian merkityksen kasvaessa aurinkokennojen kehittäminen on edennyt usein eri tavoin. Aurinkokennojen valmistukseen käytetään uusia materiaaleja, kuten perovskiittia ja titaanioksidia. Materiaalien lisäksi ...
    • A Comprehensive Evaluation of OEE as a Production Monitoring Tool for a Diverse Manufacturing Environment 

      Kupila, Carlo (25.05.2024)
      This thesis examines the effectiveness of Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) as a production monitoring tool in diverse manufacturing environments through four case studies. The research evaluates OEE's ability to meet ...
    • A passive house with photovoltaic, heat pump, and Stirling engine. : An energy-balance model 

      Virtanen, Eero (02.05.2024)
      The purpose of this thesis is to analyse a way of heating a passive house with a thermal energy source instead of electricity, while still taking advantage of the high coefficients of performance typical for heat pumps. ...
    • Add-on sight for the Hailstorm product family 

      Koivusalo, Lauri (30.05.2024)
      This bachelor’s thesis was made for OY Forcit Ab and the overarching task was to come up with a new sight concept for the Hailstorm product family. A client survey was conducted to clarify the requirements and wishes ...
    • Advancements in Biosensor Materials: Synthesis and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes 

      Varjonen, Roosa (27.05.2024)
      This thesis presents the most efficient synthesizing and purification methods for single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The methods are viewed after their suitability for synthesizing or purification of single- or ...
    • Artificial intelligence-driven design : How AI will change design in the industry 

      Toivomäki, Santtu (31.05.2024)
      This thesis explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in enhancing additive manufacturing design processes. By integrating AI in design for additive manufacturing, designers can overcome traditional ...
    • Aurinkosähkön hyödyntäminen : pientuotantona kotitalouskäyttöön 

      Majamäki, Mikko (14.05.2024)
      Tässä työssä on tarkoituksena syventyä aurinkokennoihin ja niillä tuotettuun energiaan. Työssä käsitellään sitä, kuinka pientuotanto olisi mahdollisimman kannattavaa sekä taloudellisesta että ekologisesta perspektiivistä. ...
    • Bio-inspired structures in AM industry 

      Toivonen, Miko (04.06.2024)
      Additive manufacturing (AM) involves production by building objects layer by layer, minimizing waste and enabling the creation of complex geometries. This thesis explores the integration of bio-inspired structures and ...
    • Collective sensemaking during the early phases of sustainability working group identity creation: Walking the sustainability talk 

      Männistö, Maria-Elisa
      Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis F: Technica & Informatica : 31 (Turun yliopisto, 08.12.2023)
      The existing literature on sensemaking has largely overlooked the importance of resource scarcity as a fundamental factor in strategy implementation and sustainability challenges. Sustainability strategy is typically ...
    • Data-driven decision-making and benchmarking in PBF-LB/M 

      Nadeem, Usama (30.05.2024)
      This thesis proposes a novel framework for decision-making built on the backend of MATLAB application facilitating the selection of comparable technologies of Laser powder bed fusion for metals (PBF-LB/M). The aim of this ...
    • Data-driven optimization in materials engineering 

      Kärkelä, Ellen (21.05.2024)
      The thesis deals with data-driven optimization from the perspective of materials engineering. The topic is addressed using four machine learning methods, three of which are currently in active use, and one is moving from ...
    • Design and Manufacture of a Cable Feed-Through Part in Carbon Composite 

      Viljakainen, Arttu (13.05.2024)
      At CERN, the center of nuclear physics research in Europe, there is the largest and most powerful particle collider in the world, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). LHC is the last link in a chain of particle accelerators ...
    • Designing a patient specific helmet 

      Kytöviita, Aleksi (31.05.2024)
      Decompressive craniectomy is a lifesaving medical procedure, where a piece of the skull is removed leaving part of the cranium exposed. It is therefore important to wear a helmet during recovery period until either the ...
    • Developing Solution Processable Distributed Bragg Reflectors for Polaritonic Applications 

      Papachatzakis, Michail (19.07.2024)
      In the pursuit of advancing electromagnetic confinement and manipulating physical phenomena, Quantum Electrodynamics and polaritons have emerged as pivotal concepts. Polaritons, which result from strong coupling between ...
    • E-textile Recycling: Confronting Challenges with Eco-Design 

      Piililä, Linnea (21.05.2024)
      The transformation of textiles into intelligent systems, known as smart textiles, marks a significant evolution in the textile industry. Among these smart textiles is a subset known as electronic textiles, or e-textiles, ...
    • Ekologisempi rakennustuotanto 3D-tulostettavan betonin avulla 

      Harju, Elli (26.04.2024)
      Betoni on maailman käytetyin rakennusmateriaali, jota on lähes jokaisessa rakennuksessa. Tämä inertti komposiittimateriaali koostuu sementistä, sileästä ja karkeasta runkoaineesta, mineraalisekoituksesta ja vedestä. ...
    • Electrodeposition of palladium in H2O and D2O 

      Pyyhtiä, Kimmo (30.05.2022)
      In this Master’s thesis the electrodeposition of palladium on pencil graphite in aqueous solutions of either H2O or D2O at different acidities was examined experimentally utilizing chronoamperometry and cyclic voltammetry. ...
    • Embedded sensors in cutting tools, a state of art review 

      Wuoti, Onni (02.05.2024)
      The usage of sensor-based technology in the turning cutting process is a relatively unexplored area of improving the machining process. Most of the found examples have been done in research and only a few examples of sensor ...
    • Emerging technologies and materials in female hormone monitoring 

      Ylinen, Jerry (13.05.2024)
      In health research and technology, understanding female physiology and hormones is important. Importance is underlined with the underrepresentation of women and the increasing need for rapid development in the field. This ...
    • Encapsulation for Enhanced Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells 

      Vuorinen, Helmi (24.05.2024)
      Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are a promising photovoltaic technology because of their affordability and high efficiency, yet their long-term stability remains a major challenge. To be able to improve the lifetime and ...