Aineistot 1-10 / 225
Research of Motion Classification Based on EMG Signals Pattern Recognition
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-02-14)
Electromyogram (EMG) signal is generated by muscle contraction, and surface electromyography signal (sEMG) is recorded by surface electrodes with comfortableness and no trauma, which has been applied in various fields, ...
Research and Design of a high-efficiency Class-F Power Amplifier
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-03)
Power amplifiers are important parts in communication systems. They are often used at the end of the transmitter and the front of the receiver. Research on power amplifiers is also developing fast. Expect for linear power ...
Hierarchical Codebook Design and Search Algorithm in Millimeter-Wave MIMO
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-10-01)
In a millimeter-wave communication system, using a large-scale antenna array to improve
system performance also brings about the problem that how to efficiently search the best
beam direction in the angle domain at both ...
Euroopan unionin yleinen tietosuoja-asetus ja sen soveltaminen yrityksissä
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-09-24)
Lähes kaikki yritykset, yhdistykset, organisaatiot ja muut yhteisöt käsittelevät henkilötietoja toimintansa ylläpitämiseksi. Henkilötiedot voivat olla esimerkiksi asiakkaan, toimittajan, potilaan tai työntekijän. Henkilötietojen ...
Rectenna Array Design for Wireless Power Transmission
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-10-01)
With the growing concern about the Earth’s energy problems, the discovery of new en-
ergy sources and new energy transmission methods to collect inexhaustible solar energy
has become a key research field for future energy ...
Building an internal web-based project management tool : Case Poutapilvi Oy
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-07-10)
Project management has been a concept for less than 100 years. Yet in today’s world it is something that nearly all companies do and have to do in order to compete with others. This is largerly because working smart instead ...
An enhanced noc-based embedded heterogeneous manycore platform
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-09-17)
Deep learning is playing an increasingly significant role in pattern recognizing and verifying, in which the core structure is convolutional neural networks (CNNs). A well-trained CNN is proved to have achieved a promising ...
Unsupervised Host Profiling Based on Traffic Behaviour
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-11-01)
As a consequence of digitization, cyberattacks have become a more prevalent threat to
organizations. One option to detect attack attempts is an intrusion detection system that
is designed to monitor a system and alerts ...
Hukkakauran tunnistaminen minihelikopterikuvista
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-09-24)
Täsmäviljely on tuotantomenetelmä, jossa hyödynnetään maaperästä sekä kasvustosta kerättyä tietoa ja tehtyjä mittauksia, jotta viljelytoimenpiteet voidaan kohdistaa paikallisesti, ajallisesti ja määrällisesti ...
Research on f Wave Extraction Method of Body Surface Atrial Fibrillation Signals Based on Adaptive Filtering
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-10-01)
Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases. However,
at present, the treatment means of AFib are not perfect. During AFib, its P wave is
disturbed and morphologically irregular waves, f ...