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Aineistot 553-572 / 6013
CAD-CAM- tekniikalla työstettävien muovikomposiittien tekninen sidostaminen
(Turun yliopisto, 22.12.2016)Tämä syventävien opintojen kirjallinen työ koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja oman tutkimuksen osiosta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tutustutaan yleisimmin epäsuoralla tekniikalla valmistettaviin täytteisiin, sekä niiden ... -
Calcium-Induced Proteome Changes in Isolated Chloroplasts of Arabidopsis Thaliana
(Turun yliopisto, 09.05.2017)Calcium is a well-known regulator of various biological processes, such as photosynthesis, resulting from responses to environmental cues that are recognized by specific calcium sensors, which give rise to intracellular ... -
Calibration and simulations of SIXS-P's response to energetic particles
(Turun yliopisto, 04.10.2016)The Solar Intensity X-ray and particle Spectrometer (SIXS) on board BepiColombo's Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) will study solar energetic particles moving towards Mercury and solar X-rays on the dayside of Mercury. The ... -
Campa hans corpse i timmar så att han tar dig sina guildvänner. Engelska lånord och spelslang i rollspelen World of warcraft och Guild wars 2 online.
(13.06.2017)I denna pro gradu-avhandling studerar jag engelska lånord i kontext av online-rollspel och språkbruk hos svenska rollspelare. Avhandlingen är beskrivande och min metod är både kvalitativ och kvantitativ. Jag studerar ... -
Can Legal Professionals Distinguish between Group-level and Individual-level Expert Testimony?
(Turun yliopisto, 09.11.2018)The G2i (group to individual) challenge refers to the problematic application of scientific knowledge based on group-level data to a particular legal case. The G2i challenge is present every time an expert witness provides ... -
Can Public Providers of Health Services Procure In-house? : The Health Care Reform and Support Service Purchases Under EU Public Procurement and State Aid Law
(Turun yliopisto, 12.06.2018)Following the Finnish health and social services reform public and private providers will be competing within the provision of basic health care services. The service providers compete for customers based on quality while ... -
Capital structure of Finnish firms – Estimating the effects of firm characteristics on capital structure
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 14.06.2016)One of the most disputable matters in the theory of finance has been the theory of capital structure. The seminal contributions of Modigliani and Miller (1958, 1963) gave rise to a multitude of studies and debates. Since ... -
CAPM Suomen asuntomarkkinoilla
(2008) -
Capsaicin-evoked changes on tactile sensitivity and blood flow in gingival tissues of healthy human volunteers
(Turun yliopisto, 14.03.2018)Johdanto: Aikaisemman tutkimuksen perusteella tiedetään, että capsaisiini aiheuttaa iholla hermovälitteisen tulehduksen, johon liittyy veren virtauksen lisääntyminen kudoksessa ja kudoksen herkistyminen kipuaistimuksille. ... -
Care of the Self in Couchsurfing : Practices of a Host in the Intimately Mobile Age.
(Turun yliopisto, 18.12.2017)This thesis examines the practices of ‘care of the self’ undertaken by Couchsurfing hosts- the particular practices involved in being a host and the role of ‘care of the self’ in Couchsurfing relationships. The concept of ... -
Carriage of herpes simplex virus and human papillomavirus in oral mucosa is rare in young women: a long-term prospective follow-up
(Turun yliopisto, 22.03.2016)Herpes simplex -virus 1 (HSV-1) ja ihmisen papilloomavirus (HPV) infektoivat suun epiteelisoluja. Useimmissa tapauksissa näiden virusten infektio on kliinisesti oireeton. Suun limakalvojen oireeton HPV-infektio on aikuisilla ... -
Carrier selection and management : A case study on Neste Oil Retail
(04.04.2014)Service provider selection has been said to be a critical factor in the formation of supply chains. Through successful selection companies can attain competitive advantage, cost savings and more flexible operations. Service ... -
Cartographies of Copyright: Crisis & Propertization
(15.02.2017)Cartographies of Copyright is a cultural history of copyright that maps out various contradictions and tensions that give shape to the crisis of copyright and its relations to US music industries. More specifically, this ... -
Case Billerud and the Proportionality of the EU ETS Excess Emissions Penalty
(Turun yliopisto, 31.01.2017)This thesis focuses on the proportionality of the excess emissions penalty of the EU emissions trading scheme (ETS). The operators covered by the ETS have an annual obligation to surrender a sufficient number of allowances ... -
Case study about modernizing electronic data interchange (EDI) order system
(Turun yliopisto, 17.09.2018)Electronic data interchange (EDI) messages are an old format of changing electronic forms between companies. Even though more modern message standards like XML exists, many organizations still use EDI to place orders and ... -
Casimirin ilmiö sähkömagneettiselle kentälle ja metamateriaalit
(Turun yliopisto, 03.01.2017)Casimirin ilmiö on voima, joka johtuu kenttien kvantittumisesta. Se seuraa tyhjiötilan ja sähkömagneettisesti aktiivisen väliaineen vuorovaikutuksesta toistensa kanssa. Sen suuruus on merkittävä vain mikroskooppisilla ... -
Catalanin yhtälön ratkaisut pienillä, parittomilla alkulukupotensseilla
(Turun yliopisto, 08.06.2016)Catalanin konjektuurin mukaan Diofantoksen yhtälön xp-yq=1, missä p,q ≥2, ainoat nollasta eroavat ratkaisut ovat (x,y,p,q)=(±3,2,2,3). Yhtälöä xp-yq=1 kutsutaan Catalanin yhtälöksi. Konjektuuri on yritetty todistaa oikeaksi ... -
Causal attributions for athletic and academic performance among Finnish high school student-athletes
(Turun yliopisto, 06.06.2017)The current study investigated 16-year-old student-athletes in Finnish sports high schools pursuing an athletic career alongside their academic career. The study is part of an ongoing longitudinal project entitled ”Winning ...