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Feasibility of FreeSurfer Processing for T1-Weighted Brain Images of 5-Year-Olds: Semiautomated Protocol of FinnBrain Neuroimaging Lab
<p>Pediatric neuroimaging is a quickly developing field that still faces important methodological challenges. Pediatric images usually have more motion artifact than adult images. The artifact can cause visible errors in ...
Auditory Mismatch Responses to Emotional Stimuli in 3-Year-Olds in Relation to Prenatal Maternal Depression Symptoms
<p>Maternal depression symptoms are common in pregnant women and can have negative effects on offspring’s emotional development. This study investigated the association between prenatal maternal depression symptoms (assessed ...
Subcortical and hippocampal brain segmentation in 5-year-old children: Validation of FSL-FIRST and FreeSurfer against manual segmentation
<p>Developing accurate subcortical volumetric quantification tools is crucial for neurodevelopmental studies, as they could reduce the need for challenging and time-consuming manual segmentation. In this study, the accuracy ...
Is the oral health-related quality of life associated with quality of life among pregnant Finnish families: a cross-sectional study
<p><strong>Objective: </strong>The objectives of this study was to find out if oral health-related quality of life and its dimensions (OHRQoL) are associated with overall quality of life (QoL) among mothers and fathers ...
Effect of number of diffusion-encoding directions in diffusion metrics of 5-year-olds using tract-based spatial statistical analysis
Methodological aspects and effects of different imaging parameters on DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) results and their reproducibility have been recently studied comprehensively in adult populations. Although MR imaging ...
Early development of negative and positive affect: Implications for ADHD symptomatology across three birth cohorts
<p>High levels of early emotionality (of either negative or positive valence) are hypothesized to be important precursors to early psychopathology, with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) a prime early target. ...
Prevalence and evolution of snoring and the associated factors in two-year-old children
<p>Abstract</p><p>Objectives<br>To evaluate the prevalence and persistence of snoring during the first two years of life in two Finnish birth cohorts and to assess the associated factors.</p><p>Study design<br>The study ...
Parent's self-reported tooth brushing and use of fluoridated toothpaste: Associations with their one-year-old child's preventive oral health behaviour
<p><strong>Objective: </strong>The aim of the study was to examine the tooth brushing frequency and use of fluoridated toothpaste of the mother and father were associated with the tooth brushing frequency and use of ...
Infant and Child MRI: A Review of Scanning Procedures
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe method to examine human brain. However, a typical MR scan is very sensitive to motion, and it requires the subject to lie still during the acquisition, which is a major challenge ...
Estimating the cumulative risk of postnatal depressive symptoms: the role of insomnia symptoms across pregnancy
<div><b>Purpose</b> Insomnia symptoms during late pregnancy are a known risk for postnatal depressive symptoms (PDS). However, the cumulative effect of various risk factors throughout pregnancy has not been explored. Our ...