Selaus oppiaineen mukaan kokoelmassa Pro gradu -tutkielmat ja diplomityöt sekä syventävien opintojen opinnäytetyöt (kokotekstit) Toimitusketjujen johtaminen
Aineistot 1-20 / 77
Analyysi hoitotarvikelogistiikan kehityskohteista : Tilaus-toimitusketjun pullonkaulojen avaaminen teknologian avulla
(12.05.2023)Hoitotarvikelogistiikka on mielenkiintoinen ja suhteellisen vähän tunnettu aihealue. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetäänkin, millainen yhden organisaation hoitotarvikelogistiikan prosessi on sekä millaisia pullonkauloja ...avoin -
Assessing Total Cost of Supply Chain Risk : Constructive Study at a Semiconductor Company
(08.11.2021)This master’s thesis provides tool for supply chain risk impact identification and assessment in monetary terms by combining the total cost of ownership (TCO) approach with a selected toolbox from supply chain risk management ...avoin -
Assessment of an industrial firm's demand planning process
(2012)avoin -
Assessment of purchasing maturity in spare parts supply chain
(15.09.2013)To describe the change of purchasing moving from administrative to strategic function academics have put forward maturity models which help practitioners to compare their purchasing activities to industry top performers ...avoin -
Autonomisen ja konventionaalisen irtolastialuksen elinkaarikustannukset
(Turun yliopisto, 15.11.2017)Merikuljetusmarkkinat ovat viime vuosina olleet kovien kustannuspaineiden alla ja nyt ratkaisuja ongelmaan on alettu hakea digitalisaatiosta. Autonomisten lastialusten on ehdotettu olevan keskeisessä asemassa meriliikenteen ...avoin -
Behavioristinen näkökulma hankinnan päätöksentekoon : Toimittajanvalintaskenaarion kehittäminen
(13.05.2022)Toimittajanvalinta on monimutkainen ja moniulotteinen kokonaisuus, jossa hankintahenkilö joutuu käsittelemään laajasti tietoa useista eri lähteistä. Tilanteen monimutkaisuuden vuoksi hankinnan päätöksentekoon osallistuvat ...avoin -
Brexitin vaikutukset teollisuusyritysten toimitusketjuihin Suomessa
(31.05.2023)Brexitin on esitetty aiheuttaneen monia vaikutuksia Ison-Britannian talouteen ja yrityskenttään, mutta teorian perusteella myös EU-27-valtioissa koettiin monia seurauksia Ison-Britannian EU-eron jälkeen. Tämän tutkielman ...avoin -
Challenges in collecting sustainability information in Multi-Tier Supply Chains : Impact of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence directive
(12.12.2022)Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) is becoming increasingly important to companies. The literature has acknowledged that multi-tier supply chains can have a positive impact on sustainability but expanding the scope ...avoin -
Colombian business and logistics environment by the year 2020
(20.12.2021)This thesis aimed to provide information on Colombia’s business and trading environment for companies interested in the market. The main focus of the analysis was on logistics performance. To put Colombia’s business and ...avoin -
Designing an innovation sourcing process : A case study in the pharmaceutical industry
(01.06.2020)This research was conducted as an assignment for a Finnish pharmaceutical company, Orion Corporation. Innovations have become increasingly important for organizations’ growth efforts. Particularly in the pharmaceutical ...avoin -
Distribution of environmental and social sustainability in supply chains : analysis of green and social bullwhip effects
(04.06.2019)Stakeholder demands for environmentally and socially sustainable operations are at an all-time high as the repercussions of global crises, such as climate change, are becoming clearer when business is conducted “as usual”. ...avoin -
Euroopan unionin päästökaupan kustannusvaikutus Suomen kautta liikennöiville ro-ro ja ro-pax-aluksille
(02.05.2022)Merenkulku on maailman kaupan kannalta hyvin merkittävässä asemassa. Viime aikoina on keskustelu merirahdin asettamisesta EU ETS:n alaiseksi, mikä aiheuttaisi suuria muutoksia merirahtiin ja aluksiin. Päästöoikeuksien ...avoin -
Evaluating sustainable purchasing and supply management performance for a tier-1 company
(22.05.2024)Sustainable purchasing and supply management is a growing field both in academia and in companies. New legislation requires firms to mitigate, prevent and address adverse impacts in their supply chains which puts pressure ...avoin -
Evaluation of an electronic document management system implementation success from an end user perspective in an industrial company
(14.05.2019)Most of the organizational information is stored in documents. Along with digitalization and global networks, the amount of information and electronic documents has increased massively. Electronic document management systems ...avoin -
Feasibility of the chosen inventory management model in a manufacturing company : A case study
(17.08.2023)Globalization has led to increased business uncertainties and disruptions. For example, COVID-19 challenged most supply chains by affecting stocking and inventory flow management. As a result, the importance of inventory ...avoin -
Hallinnan parantaminen kuntien sisäisissä henkilökuljetuksissa
(04.04.2017)Valtion ja kuntien eri toimialat sekä Kela käyttävät vuosittain yhteensä noin miljardi euroa julkisesti hankittuihin tai korvattuihin henkilökuljetuksiin Nämä kustannukset kasvavat noin 10 prosentin vuosivauhdilla. Julkisesti ...avoin -
How to manage the long tail of procurement
(04.12.2020)This research was conducted as an assignment for a Finnish telecommunication company, Telia Finland Oyj. There has been a lot of research done around the theme of how to manage the procurement. However, the literature ...avoin -
Human Rights in Finnish Businesses : Corporate Human Rights Reporting
(24.05.2022)The most significant change in the business and human rights debate took place in the 21st century when the Respect, Protect and Remedy -framework, which recognized the link between business and human rights, was introduced ...avoin -
Impacts of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) ‒ A Supply Chain and Competition perspective
(25.08.2022)The growth of international supply chains has brought significant benefits but has also had serious negative impacts in terms of human rights and environmental violations. Although voluntary initiatives and guidelines have ...avoin -
Improving environmental sustainability in construction : supplier collaboration approach
(21.06.2021)The construction industry has great environmental impacts and it accounts to 39% of all of the world’s carbon emissions. Of these, the operational emissions, such as the energy to heat and light buildings, account for 28%, ...avoin