Aineistot 1-5 / 5
Evolutionary psychology for consumers : awareness of ultimate explanations as a self-reflective tool for consumer empowerment
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 2018-10-26)
Evolutionary psychology is becoming a popular approach in consumer research. Evolutionary-based consumer research has, however, typically been undertaken from the managerial rather than from the consumer perspective. The ...
In quest of the optimal self : wellness consumption and lifestyle – a superficial marketing fad or a powerful means for transforming and branding oneself?
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 2019-03-15)
The current thesis discusses wellness consumption and lifestyle, both of which are embedded in current consumer culture and the mainstream consumer lifestyle in various ways. In this thesis, wellness is understood as a ...
Guided by the nose: Impact of olfactory cues on consumers’ purchase behavior in food products
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 2020-08-21)
Sensory marketing, affecting consumers’ perception and behavior via our five senses, has gained a foothold in recent decades both in academia and among practitioners. If vision and audition dominated earlier ...
Toward a customer-centric perspective of customer experience
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 2020-06-17)
Customer experience has become a key priority in marketing research and practice. Researchers largely recognize that the customer experience emerges as responses to stimuli along a customer journey. Extant research often ...
Enhancing Customer Participation for Superior Value Outcomes in Knowledge Intensive Business Services
(Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 2017-05-24)