
Uusimmat aineistot

  • Cancer and venous thromboembolism: Real-world features and potential risk factors in pancreatic and ovarian cancer 

    Peippo, Maija
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser D: Medica - Odontologica : 1824 (Turun yliopisto, 13.12.2024)
    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) contributes to morbidity and mortality although it is a treatable and even potentially preventable medical condition. The clinical manifestations of VTE vary from asymptomatic deep venous ...
  • Demokraattinen hallinta kriisien aikakaudella: Monitasoinen näkökulma toimijuuteen ja toimintaan COVID-19-pandemiassa 

    Ketola, Johanna
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser B: Humaniora : 695 (Turun yliopisto, 29.11.2024)
    Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan COVID-19-kriisin hallintaa eri tasoilla. Tutkimus valottaa eurooppalaisen ja pohjoismaisen vertailun avulla, millaisesta kriisistä oli kysymys ja kuinka sitä pyrittiin ratkaisemaan. Lisäksi ...
  • Social functioning in young adolescents born very preterm 

    Salomäki, Susanna
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B: Humaniora : 697 (Turun yliopisto, 29.11.2024)
    Very preterm birth poses a long-term risk for social development. The social functioning of very preterm children has been mainly assessed by parents and teachers, although the children’s subjective experience of social ...
  • Value of social capital: Revisiting theoretical and empirical premises of social capital 

    Tuominen, Minna
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B: Humaniora : 692 (Turun yliopisto, 29.11.2024)
    Social capital is one of the most treasured concepts in the social sciences. However, the coexistence of several theories on social capital has led to multiplicity of definitions and operationalisations. Consequently, the ...
  • The Sounds of Nordic Noir 

    Huttunen, Kaapo
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B: Humaniora : 689 (Turun yliopisto, 29.11.2024)
    Nordic noir, the distinctive form of crime fiction from the Nordic region, has become unprecedentedly successful in this millennium. Its dark crime stories have gained a global audience, especially in audiovisual form, and ...
  • Syntactic Complexity in L2 Swedish: The Effects of Language Proficiency, Mode of Production, and Individual Variation 

    Mäkilä, Mari
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B: Humaniora : 696 (Turun yliopisto, 30.11.2024)
    This dissertation examines syntactic complexity in learner Swedish. Syntactic complexity is explored through both absolute and relative complexity. Absolute complexity refers to linguistic, structural complexity, and ...
  • Biomechanical tumour matrix 

    Kaivola, Jasmin
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D: Medica - Odontologica : 1825 (Turun yliopisto, 22.11.2024)
    The interplay between mechanical forces and the tumour microenvironment is critical in cancer progression, influencing tumour growth, metastasis and therapy resistance. Integrins, which mediate cell adhesion to the ...
  • Näkökulmia muuttuvaan työrauhaan: Monimenetelmällinen tarkastelu peruskoulukontekstissa 

    Lehtomäki, Suvi
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser B: Humaniora : 690 (Turun yliopisto, 15.11.2024)
    Tämä väitöskirjatutkimus kohdistuu peruskoulun työrauhaan. Työrauhaa tarkastellaan systeemiteoreettisesti (Bronfenbrenner, 1979, 2017) ja opettajan osaamisen mallin (MAP) näkökulmasta (Metsäpelto ym., 2022; Metsäpelto ym., ...
  • Associations of maternal prenatal hair cortisol with maternal and child distress symptoms - The FinnBrain birth cohort study 

    Mustonen, Paula
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D: Medica - Odontologica : 1811 (Turun yliopisto, 29.11.2024)
    Maternal prenatal psychological distress (PD) can steer offspring development through adaptations in fetal programming. Maternal systemic cortisol levels are hypothesized to be a major mechanism in transmitting distress ...
  • The Mechanism of transcript elongation: Substrate selection and proofreading by the multi-subunit RNA polymerase 

    Mäkinen, Janne J.
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis AI: Astronomica, Chemica, Mathematica : 725 (Turun yliopisto, 30.11.2024)
    RNA polymerases (RNAPs) synthesize RNA using DNA or RNA as a template. Accurate RNA synthesis is essential for cellular functions and viral RNA replication, so RNAPs actively select the right nucleotides by probing for ...
  • Speech disfluencies in bilingual children An inquiry into the differential diagnosis of stuttering 

    Saad Merouwe, Selma
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B: Humaniora : 688 (Turun yliopisto, 30.11.2024)
    Distinguishing between normal disfluencies and stuttering in bilingual children is a crucial and compelling issue, warranting the attention of both clinicians and researchers. Despite the increasing number of bilinguals, ...
  • Inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility in children who stutter 

    Paphiti, Maria
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B: Humaniora : 687 (Turun yliopisto, 29.11.2024)
    Developmental stuttering is a multifactorial, neurodevelopmental disorder that usually appears between the ages of 2 and 4 years and persists in 20–40% of children who start stuttering. The lifespan prevalence is around ...
  • On Problems of optimal timing under regime switching and poisson constraints 

    Sillanpää, Wiljami
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis AI: Astronomica, Chemica, Mathematica : 726 (Turun yliopisto, 29.11.2024)
    The focus of this thesis is in analyzing optimal stopping (OSP) and impulse control problems (ICP) of linear diffusions under regime switching and Poisson constraints. Regime switching means that the problem’s parameters ...
  • Governing artificial intelligence: from ethical principles toward organizational AI governance practices 

    Birkstedt, Teemu
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser E: Oeconomica : 124 (Turun yliopisto. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 22.11.2024)
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have demonstrated significant potential for advancement across various domains, including autonomous vehicles, intelligent personal assistants, and advanced robotics. Recent developments ...
  • Motivating boards for sustainability: The Role of member´s motivation and diversity in board social responsibility 

    Breitholtz, Klaus
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis F: Technica & Informatica : 47 (Turun yliopisto, 15.11.2024)
    This study examines two key constructs: motivation of individual board member and board-level sustainability in corporations. Board of directors often comprise experienced business professionals who join boards in later ...
  • Sleep difficulties in working age population 

    Juhola, Juhani
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D: Medica - Odontologica : 1823 (Turun yliopisto, 22.11.2024)
    Sleep difficulties are common in the adult population, but very few studies have evaluated their persistence and have focused mainly on insomnia. Sleep disorders are health conditions diagnosed by the physician, whereas ...
  • Compulsion for connection: Exploring problematic social media use 

    Marttila, Eetu
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B: Humaniora : 685 (Turun yliopisto, 02.11.2024)
    Problematic social media use (PSMU) is characterized by compulsive and out of control use of social media platforms. PSMU is increasingly recognized as a significant issue with potential negative impacts on mental well-being ...
  • The Role of Mother-infant Interaction and Maternal Psychological Distress on Child’s Early Social-emotional Development. The FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study 

    Lahtela, Hetti
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B: Humaniora : 682 (Turun yliopisto, 25.10.2024)
    Children’s optimal social-emotional functioning is crucial for their adaptive behavior in different situations. Studies show that mother–infant interaction as well as maternal psychological distress pre- and postnatally ...
  • MRI findings after transurethral ultrasound ablation of prostate 

    Mäkelä, Pietari
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser D: Medica - Odontologica : 1814 (Turun yliopisto, 15.11.2024)
    Prostatectomy and radiation therapy have been the cornerstone of the treatment of prostate cancer (PCa) for several decades. While being effective treatment methods, the downside is the burden of substantial adverse ...
  • Risk factors, family psychopathology and long-term outcomes of selective mutism 

    Koskela, Miina
    Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D: Medica - Odontologica : 1817 (Turun yliopisto, 15.11.2024)
    Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder that usually onsets during childhood. Its main symptom is inability to speak in some situations despite normal speech in others. Sociodemographic factors are known risk factors ...

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